4 Fun Recipes With Spinach – Parenthood

4 fun recipes with spinach

Getting children to eat vegetables is often a difficult task for parents. However, there are certain tricks that we can use so that, without realizing it, they end up eating and enjoying them. How? ‘Or’ What ? We invite you to read these fun spinach recipes for the best ideas.

The fact that children hate vegetables is nothing new, that some parents are deeply concerned about the effects it can have on their health, either.

Sometimes because of the taste, the appearance, or quite simply because “they don’t like”,  the little ones refuse to integrate vegetables in their diet.

This, in large part, has a logical explanation. From an early age,  we have a stronger attraction to certain flavors, such as sweets. On the contrary, almost as a form of defense, we reject the bitterness, which is found in some vegetables. This is due to a protective mechanism for babies, which links bitterness with “poison”.

However, there are ways to turn the situation around. One of the best is to incorporate them into fun and easy-to-make recipes. Here are a few.

4 fun recipes with spinach

Food is not just an experience of tastes and smells. The other senses also have an influence. The view, without a doubt, is the most predominant.

This means that many times  the same food presented in a different way than usual ends up making a better impression on us.

These fun spinach recipes have just that purpose. The idea is to present this plant with a distinct form and to involve the child in the preparation so that he participates in the process.

1. Spinach pancakes

First,  you have to boil the spinach. Then wring them out and squeeze them. Add 2 eggs, 50 g of flour, 50 ml of milk, salt and pepper to taste and mix everything.

Finally, cook the pancakes that you form with this mixture in a pan with a little  oil  until they brown on both sides. You can serve them cold or hot, they go with any type of sauce.

“From a very young age, we have rejected bitter flavors, like certain vegetables, almost as a defense reflex”

2. Spinach gnocchi

Everyone loves gnocchi. This typical Italian dish has an ideal shape and texture to “hide” the ingredients  we want to introduce without the child noticing. Indeed, the green color of spinach may appeal to him more.

Pasta with spinach pesto will delight children

To prepare them, you must first  boil the spinach (about 600 g), remove the juice and season. Then we need to put them in a blender, then boil a kilo of potatoes (preferably with the skin on), peel them and mash them.

Once it’s ready,  mix the spinach with the mashed potatoes and add 150 gr of flour  until you get a smooth dough.

In the end, shape them like traditional gnocchi and cook them the same way. The kids will love it!

3. Spinach meatballs

This is one of the simplest recipes with spinach; perfect for children to participate in the development.

As always, we have to place 400 g of meat in a bowl with the chopped spinach (which can be done with a blender) and an egg.

Beside,  we place two slices of bread (the soft part) in milk until they absorb. We then add them to the previous mixture.

After mixing everything, we begin to form meatballs. We dip them in flour, beaten egg and breadcrumbs and then we fry them. Then you can cook them over medium heat in a small saucepan with vegetable broth. As a garrison, you can choose: white rice, tomato sauce or white sauce.

A tip:  if you prefer white meat, you can make the same recipe with chicken. It will be a great combination with spinach!

Meatballs with spinach, very simple recipe that can be made with children

4. Pasta with a spinach pesto sauce

Here is yet another fun spinach recipe that your little one will love. Why ? Quite simply because all children love pasta. If you combine them with this exquisite sauce, they will hardly notice that they are eating vegetables.

How to prepare it? Instead of making the traditional pesto sauce with basil, we make it with spinach. After boiling about 200 g of fresh spinach, mix them with 30 g of  peeled walnuts , 30 g of peeled almonds, 60 g of Parmesan and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Once the consistency of the pesto has been reached, salt and season to taste. Cook  the pasta on the side and it’s ready! A very easy and nutritious recipe for your children.

Even though the recipes explained in this article focus on spinach, you can try them with other vegetables as well. The main thing is to add variety and nutrients to your child’s diet. You can also invite him to join in the preparation (always under supervision) and have a good time together.

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