4 Science Experiments To Do With Children – Being Parents

4 science experiments to do with children

Science experiments to be performed at home with children are generally easy, straightforward, and inexpensive. They can be made using materials that are usually found in the home. It is without a doubt a great way to share a good time with the family. Also, it allows children to understand the physical laws of the universe in a playful way.

4 experiences to do at home with children while having fun

In general, children like to have new experiences very much. So they will love these.

1. The liquid rainbow

This experience is very engaging and fun for children. However, the presence of parents or other responsible adults is essential in order to avoid accidents.

Materials : 1 glass jar, alcohol, honey, green liquid soap, washing-up liquid, olive oil, food coloring and 1 dropper.

Instructions : pour the honey directly to the bottom of the glass jar without touching the sides. Then add the liquid soap. In a separate container, mix the water with purple or blue food coloring and pour it all over the liquid soap.

Then add a thick layer of olive oil, still in the center and without touching the sides of the jar. Finally, dilute the red food coloring in alcohol. With the dropper, let this mixture flow inside the glass jar. However, you have to be careful not to place it in the center of the jar like the previous ones, as it will spoil the rainbow.

The scientific explanation for this experiment is simple. It is the density of the different liquids that creates the rainbow. Indeed, the densest liquids due to their weight remain at the bottom, the lightest ones remain on the surface. In addition, since they have different densities, liquids do not mix with each other.

biology experiments

2. The experience of floating eggs and sinking eggs

Choosing to have these kinds of experiences at home with children is definitely a great idea. For little ones, the egg experience seems magical, but there is a rational explanation behind it nonetheless.

Material : 2 eggs, water, salt and 2 containers

Instructions : first fill the water containers. In one of the containers, add salt. Then put an egg in each container and let the children watch what happens. They will find that one of the eggs sinks while the other floats.

They will probably think that eggs are different. Then change the eggs from containers. The same will happen. Indeed, the egg that was kept afloat before when changing the container now sinks and vice versa for the other egg.

The scientific explanation is that the container that contains salt water changes the density of the water. Under normal conditions, the egg weighs heavier than water. However, if enough salt is added to the water, its density becomes greater than that of the egg, and that is why the latter floats.

You can also repeat this experience by placing an egg in a container of water and gradually adding salt. In this case, you will see the egg rise slowly, until it floats on the surface.

3. The dancing worm experience

Materials : jelly worm candies, water, vinegar, baking soda and clear glass.

Instructions : cut the worm (candy) into four pieces lengthwise. Then place it in a glass of hot water with three tablespoons of baking soda for 15 minutes.

Then remove them from the glass with a fork and place them in a glass with vinegar. Immediately, the worms fill with bubbles and rise to the surface. When the gas bubbles burst, they return to the bottom, fill with bubbles, and rise again. This process is repeated over and over until one of the reagents runs out, i.e. baking soda or vinegar.

The explanation for this experiment is as follows. When baking soda soaked worms are mixed with vinegar, a chemical reaction occurs that causes gas bubbles. This is carbon dioxide around the jelly worms. This causes an upward and then downward movement, which makes the worms appear to be dancing.

games to experiment with science

4. Other experiments for children: separating the pepper from the water

The experiences that can be done at home with children stimulate learning in their free time. In addition, they strengthen family ties. This experience only requires common ingredients found in all kitchens. This makes it a good example of an easy experience that can be achieved as a family.

Materials : 1 deep plate, soap, black pepper and water

Instructions : In a bowl, place enough water and sprinkle only a little black pepper on it. When you put your finger on it, the pepper doesn’t budge. However, if you put soap on your finger beforehand and put it in the water, you can see that the pepper is moving away from the center of the plate.

This is because the pepper floats on the surface of the water, where there is a firmer layer of water called surface tension. However, as the bowl fills with soap, this surface tension decreases in the center, allowing the pepper to flow away.

In conclusion, there are many advantages to having experiences at home with children. In addition, they are easy and a lot of fun. Practice them and in no time you will be able to have a child interested in science.

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