4 Signs Of Postpartum Depression In Men – You Are Mom

4 signs of postpartum depression in men

The changes caused by pregnancy do not end with the baby’s arrival. This process puts enormous strain on the couple, both individuals can be affected by stress and disrupted habits. Men carry a large load although it seems less.

You could say that the heaviest part is having to pretend that everything is fine. It is difficult to imagine that a man could accept that this situation is overwhelming him, or much worse, that he starts crying in the right place of work. On the contrary, women have the advantage of feeling free and letting their feelings flow without fear.

By going into this area, by talking about emotions, it is in this area that this type of suffering is centralized. We are overcome with emotion with the pregnancy and the birth of the little one. It’s not a bad thing, it’s acceptable and understandable, but we don’t know how we’re going to be affected.

When men are affected by postpartum depression, it may be different than in women. In the rest of this article we will show you what are the main signs of postpartum depression in men.

How to recognize postpartum depression in men?

postpartum depression in men

The signals of depression in men are hardly ever associated with the typical framework of sadness. Men get depressed in a very different way than women do. The mood of the depressed man is not generally depressed, but rather quite the opposite. It becomes evident through irritability or aggression.

The origin of this type of depression is the same in men as in women. However, the sadness and grief they feel is expressed in different ways. Experts explain that fatherhood means the accomplishment of physical and mental effort that generates significant psychological effects. They are usually the prey of emotional congestion. Symptoms can be as follows.


Anxiety is common during pregnancy and the postpartum period, it is clear evidence that we are emotionally upset. Many of the changes that are taking place promise to be permanent, that is, we are far from coming back to reality. In addition, specialists specify that what worries men the most is not being able to provide for the needs of the baby.

The father is very stressed by the evolution of the little one, that he is well and that he is never sick. The possibility of being away from their child also causes them anxiety.

Drastic mood swings

If the father of our child is in a bad mood by nature he may get worse during this time. As we have said before, postpartum depression in men manifests itself through a bewildering drive. If we see that his mood changes drastically, it is most likely that he is on the defensive. Maybe his bad temper drives away the fears he’s plagued with, at the same time he tries to avoid questions and harassment.


postpartum depression in men

Similar to mood swings, aggression can work as a shield in these cases. However, he is not pretending. He becomes really aggressive because he has been affected psychologically and that is how his mind is changing his behavior.

At the same time, the threat of being separated can make them aggressive as it is something that could happen sooner or later. In the first days of the baby, it requires a lot of attention, which is more directed to the same. However, he will see his aggressiveness justified.

Demotivation and apathy

The symptoms mentioned above occur because the man responds to the changes that are taking place in his life. However, not knowing how to help your partner could cause apathy. They do not know well some of the functioning of the female organism, for this reason, its presence is sometimes unnecessary.

Other women, like friends or family members, take care of helping the parturient, which is why the man will find himself put aside. As a consequence, it unconsciously pushes him away, which can eventually demotivate him to act.

These signals may be clearly perceptible, but if we do not know what is causing them we may fail in our will to interpret. Although it is difficult to deal with someone who is aggressive or in a bad mood, it remains our duty to help them get through this situation. Patience, understanding and love go together in trying to solve the majority of these problems. The same goes for those with postpartum depression in men.

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