5 Techniques For Modifying Children’s Behavior – Being Parents

5 techniques for changing children's behavior

Behavior modification techniques in children are methods that aim to modify problematic behaviors. Many children lie, disobey, insult, challenge and sometimes become aggressive. Therefore, using these techniques can help us improve these behaviors.

In education it is very important not to resort to violence, because with it we cannot change the inappropriate behavior of our children. On the contrary, we will harm their development. Behavior modification is achieved through techniques that help them know what they can and cannot do.

Want to know what techniques you can use to improve your child’s behavior? Read the rest of this article.

Techniques for modifying children’s behavior

“Time out” technique

This technique is very easy to apply to modify problematic behavior. It consists of moving the child to a place that does not present positive reinforcing factors for him. It should be a place away from toys and any distractions; the idea is to make it a boring place for them.

The time we leave without stimuli will be proportional to the age of the child ; we will add one minute according to the age of the child. We have to keep this in mind because, if we go too far, this technique will eventually displease them and that is not what we want to achieve.

It is important that we use this technique immediately after the onset of the problematic behavior.

An aggressive screaming child.

The technique of “extinction”

It consists of removing anything that could reinforce the unwanted behavior of the child. The child expects to be rewarded for his behavior, whether positive or negative. When a child’s behavior is negative, parents tend to scold him and give him the attention he is looking for, even if it is through bad behavior.

When using this technique, it is important that we always use a rewarding substitute, because if we ignore them completely, children can feel out of place. Keep in mind that this technique is not recommended for dangerous behavior.

For example: if a child tells us “ You never listen to me ” or “ You don’t love me anymore ”, we have to divert the subject, ask him something else, so as not to pay attention to what he says. We will use something rewarding to quench our attention response.

“The Token Economy”, One of the Most Used Behavior Modification Techniques

This technique of behavior modification in children is one of the most used and is also a lot of fun for both kids and parents.

It consists of a system of rewards : the child will receive a prize if the desired behaviors (setting the table, picking up his toys, doing his homework, brushing his teeth, etc.) that we have previously established have been carried out.

These rewards do not necessarily have to be material, as they can be, for example, going to a picnic, going to the cinema, etc.

How to do ?

We can use a cardboard box and put in it the desired behaviors that we want the child to adopt. We’re going to establish a point system, which can be green stickers when he performs a behavior and red stickers when he doesn’t.

Each reward will have a certain number of points which we will have agreed together. When the desired points are reached, the child will be able to get the reward.

A little girl making a face.

Relaxation technique to reduce anxiety

If the child is restless, nervous, anxious, we will use relaxation, that is, we will give him the opposite stimulus to what he is feeling. Relaxation consists of contracting and relaxing all the muscles in the body in order to enter a state of relaxation, worthy of redundancy.

There are several methods to make children relax in a playful way, not only relaxing, but also having fun.

Behavioral technique of the contract

This technique consists of a written contract between the parties concerned (parents-children, teacher-student, psychologist-patient). This must be done around a negotiation between all, and this will establish the behaviors and the consequences that the student must do and obtain.

In this contract, the behaviors to be adopted and the consequences of their non-performance must be clearly indicated. These consequences must be light, so as not to discourage the child, and always in accordance with the negative behavior he has had.

On behavior modification techniques in children

These behavior modification techniques in children can improve their negative behaviors. Thus, they will enrich their well-being and their emotional development. It is very important that if the child does not improve or respond adequately to these techniques, a specialist is consulted so that they can help you.

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