6 Exercises To Strengthen The Back – You Are Mom

6 exercises to strengthen the back

There is a wide range of exercises to strengthen the back. They also help to relieve or avoid certain pains – resulting from bad postures.

We will see below the characteristics of the lumbar area, why it is important to work on it. We will also discuss how.

The lumbar or lower back area is one of the most sensitive areas of the body. It is the one that is most often affected by lesions in the hamstrings, weakness of the abdominal muscles, lesions or herniated discs.

Good posture at all times and exercises to strengthen the back help strengthen this area.

Many people neglect themselves  and develop pain that can affect their quality of life. In general, back pain is the result of poor posture or movement during physical exertion. We can also cite the prolonged sitting position associated with poor posture in front of the computer, for example.

To avoid back injuries, it is recommended to avoid a sedentary lifestyle, to be moderate in physical activity and to carry heavy loads.

In addition, there are exercises that help in the prevention of back pain by strengthening the muscles. Let’s see some of them below.

6 types of exercises to strengthen the back

  1. Opposite arms and legs on the knees

    This is one of the easiest back strengthening exercises to do. This manages to decrease the tension in the lumbar area. In addition, it strengthens the abdominal muscles.

    How to do it:

    1. Position your body on four supports and with your palms on the floor, bending your knees.

    2. Next, stretch your right arm and left leg so that they are parallel to the floor.

    3. Hold the position for 4 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

    4. Repeat the exercise with the opposite arm and leg.

    5. Do three sets of ten repetitions on each side.

    A woman exercises to strengthen her back

  2. Opposite arms and legs on the stomach

    This exercise is similar to the previous one. The difference is that instead of using your arms and legs,  you will be keeping your stomach on the ground so that it acts as a support  instead of the knees.

    How to do it:

    1. Position your body on your stomach with palms and knees bent.

    2. Next, stretch your right arm and left leg so that they are parallel to the floor.

    3. Hold the position for 4 seconds and slowly return to the starting position.

    4. Repeat the exercise with the opposite arm and leg.

    5. Do three sets of ten repetitions on each side.

  3. Leg elevation

    With this exercise, you will succeed in toning the buttocks and thighs. You will also work the abdominal and lumbar part.

    How to do it:

    1. Lie on your back, flex the right leg and lift the left leg  with gentle, slow movements.

    2. Then grasp the leg in the air with both hands at the knee. Hold the position for about 30 seconds.

    3. Switch sides and adopt the same posture.

    4. Perform three sets of ten repetitions of each pose.

  4. Pelvis elevation

    With this exercise, you will work the lower back and abdominal muscles. The secret is to try to contract the abdomen each time you perform the movement. 

    How to do it:

    1. Lying on your back and on a mat, bend your knees and rest your feet on the floor.

    2. The hands are placed and held alongside the body. Lift the buttocks off the floor, keeping the back straight and lift the pelvis.

    3. Hold the position for 10 seconds. Rest. Repeat the exercise ten times.

    A woman doing lumbar strengthening exercises

  5. Hip flexion

    This exercise is designed to strengthen the hips. However , it also has a positive effect on lower back pain. 

    How to do it:

    1. The left foot is placed in front of the right with the knee bent forward. The right leg is stretched.

    2. Bend the torso forward so that the left knee touches the crease in the armpit. Then return to the initial position.

    3. Perform this movement with each leg of alternating shape. Repeat the exercise ten times.

  6. Lumbar and obliques

    This exercise aims to  strengthen the muscles of the lumbar and obliques.

    How to do it:

    1. To work the lower back, lie on your back with your arms straight forward and lift your trunk. Repeat the exercise eight times.

    2. Rest and do 3 more reps.

    3. To work obliques, you need to lie on your side, resting your feet on something fixed. Elevate the body sideways.

    4. Do three sets of ten reps on each side.


  • Remember  that you should never go overboard  when performing these exercises. These excesses can lead to fatigue and unrest in your body.
  • It is important to note that prolonged sitting is also harmful to your health. This is more true if you sit in a soft, deep chair.
  • Rest by standing up and stretching your joints. It is recommended to do this every two hours or so.
  • Finally,  avoid at all costs carrying loads that pull the body forward. This is especially important if you have a family history of these types of problems.
  • Remember that our back – the central part of our body, is the part that is the most abused. Not only from bad posture but also from lack of exercise. Stress also has an influence. It is a common cause of back pain.
  • It is only a few minutes of your time that you take to stay in shape.
  • Stay hydrated at all times when performing any type of exercise.

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