6 Tips For A Healthy Pregnancy After Miscarriage – You Are Mom

6 tips for a healthy pregnancy after a miscarriage

The experience of a healthy pregnancy is the concern of many women. This concern is all the greater when a miscarriage has tarnished a previous pregnancy.

The first thing to do for reassurance is to make sure that the causes of the miscarriage have been corrected or are under treatment. The second step to take is to reconnect with your body, to reassign it its normal characteristics and to prepare everything for the arrival of the baby.

This process requires time, attention, and physical and psychological treatment to place the parents in the best possible predispositions.

For this, your doctor will recommend a series of tests to identify the reasons for the miscarriage. The results will allow the necessary measures to be put in place to relieve any abnormality that may affect a future pregnancy.

How to live a serene pregnancy?

1. Give yourself time to recover emotionally

A miscarriage can cause intense feelings of anguish and generate feelings of guilt and loss. Quite naturally, these emotions are not appropriate for living and enjoying the gestation process again.

It should also be borne in mind that miscarriages occurring in later stages of pregnancy can be more difficult to overcome.

2. Make sure the reproductive system is not damaged.

After a miscarriage, internal organs can be damaged or infected. In extreme cases, there is even a risk of decreased or loss of fertility. It is therefore important to consult your gynecologist in order to rule out any type of physiological difficulty.

Certain medical examinations may be recommended to you in order to identify the causes of the miscarriage and to prevent a recurrence of the situation. These exams are:

  • The blood test. It helps control the immune system and the hormonal balance necessary for a healthy pregnancy.
  • The chromosome test. It checks that your chromosomes and those of your partner are not responsible for the miscarriage.

medical examinations after miscarriage

  • Ultrasound examination. It allows the abdomen to be inspected.
  • Hysteroscopy. It helps control the fallopian tubes and the uterus.
  • Sonohysterography. It makes it possible to verify that the uterine cavity is in good condition.

It is also necessary to be patient in order to allow the menstrual cycle to regain its regularity, in particular the luteal phase. If you want to conceive again, the uterine cavity should be healthy and strong, and your progesterone levels should be normal.

3. Consume prenatal vitamins

When planning the arrival of a baby in the family, it is recommended that you choose good prenatal vitamins. Thus, you will increase the quantity and quality of essential nutrients that you provide to the developing child.

These vitamins are available over the counter or with a doctor’s prescription. The most important elements are folic acid, calcium and iron.

4. Avoid strenuous physical exertion at home and at work

Simple everyday tasks can be very dangerous when you are pregnant. You should absolutely avoid actions such as exposure to chemicals or lifting heavy objects.

Professionals advise against climbing on stools and stepladders. Do not empty garbage cans containing toxic products. Do not stand for long periods of time. Finally, do not stay too long in front of the oven or fireplace.

5. Watch for changes in your weight

The need and demand for nutrients is greater during pregnancy. It is therefore normal that you increase certain intakes.

In fact, it is essential that you have some balance in gaining weight. If you put on a lot of weight, it will be difficult to lose the pounds after giving birth. If you gain little weight, the baby may experience insufficient growth at birth.

6. Improve your eating habits

In addition to drinking adequate amounts of water, it is important that you consume 6 meals spaced out throughout the day.

The most recommended foods for pregnant women are foods rich in folate: grains, asparagus, lentils, fish and oranges will be your best allies . Remember that folic acid contributes to the proper development of the baby.

live a serene pregnancy

It is also important to limit the intake of caffeine during pregnancy. If you want to snack between meals, the healthiest option is to eat a piece of fruit with natural sugar in order to boost your energy levels.

These recommendations will help you experience a peaceful pregnancy after miscarriage. Remember that you need to be emotionally ready first in order to ensure a loving and rewarding process for you, your partner, and the baby.

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