7 Foods You Should Never Give Your Baby – Parenthood

7 foods you should never feed your baby

During the first four months of life, a baby must maintain an exclusive diet through breastfeeding. In some cases, the baby needs extra milk drink, but breast milk is the best food in the early stages of life.

However,  after the four months a period of adaptation begins during which the child can receive complementary feeding  to breastfeeding. These foods are usually simple, light, and are generally similar in all families.

Mothers start by supplementing their baby’s diet with sweet, natural and simple purees . Fruit puree is typical to taste it, then we gradually incorporate other products that are not based on milk.

Therefore,  care must be taken that the new foods are not harmful to his small organism. It is also necessary to adapt the preparation and the quantity of the product to facilitate digestion and ripening.

7 foods you should never feed your baby

Although it is inevitable that children will eat certain foods, with babies it should be less complicated, as  mothers are responsible for preparing their meals and babies should not consume anything other than their mother’s milk or milk.  natural purees.

Nevertheless,  sometimes out of ignorance or lack of interest, we fall into unhealthy eating habits  for the little ones. In this sense, although it is not a habit, there are foods that babies should not eat under any circumstances.

Even if we don’t think so,  there are certain foods that it is best not to include in the diet of children  under 12 months of age and in moderation, from then until four years old. We are not all able to know them; but there are also cases when we ignore the advice of the pediatrician.

Babies' diet should consist mainly of breast milk and simple fruit and vegetable purees

To take care of the health of our little ones, we must remember that these seven products must be eliminated from the usual diet that we give them.

1. Sugar

This food, although very common,  occurs naturally in breast milk and the baby does not need it. If the idea is to sweeten food to improve its flavor, we can do it with fruit. In addition, sugar can cause the premature appearance of cavities.

2. Honey

It is a natural sugar substitute, the use of which in children’s diets is very common; but what we do not know is that  its composition is very similar to that of white sugar. Another downside is the possibility that it contains bacteria that threaten the  digestive system.

3. Salt

Like honey and sugar, salt is used to enhance the taste of food, but it is also harmful. This product should be removed from babies’ diet because it threatens kidney health. It is only recommended for moderate use from twelve months.

4. Marine species

Some types of fish or shellfish have high amounts of mercury,  an element produced by pollution; so that it is present in all the oceans, which allows fish to consume it and accumulate it in their bodies.

5. Certain vegetables

Seaweed, chard, spinach and borage contain nitrate; in excessive amounts  this could lead to a decrease in oxygen in the blood,  due to its transformation into nitrites.

Although we are talking about excessive amounts, these vegetables are contraindicated for babies because their bodies are smaller and therefore the concentration is said to be higher.

6. Modified products with low fat content

It is not forbidden to consume foods with reduced fat content, but in this case we are talking about  some skimmed products, which have been subjected to specific methods to eliminate excess fat. On the other hand, the fats in these foods, essential for the body of toddlers, are a source of vitamins and calories.

Certain processed foods should be excluded from babies' diets

7. Certain foods according to their presentation

Foods can be eaten in the form of several preparations or presentations, which can significantly change their properties. This is why  it should be avoided in feeding babies, not necessarily the whole food, but rather the way it is given.

Therefore,  you should avoid: raw preparations of animal origin, dried fruits that are not crushed, rice-based drinks,  crisps or fried potatoes, meringues and ice cream, among others.

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