7 Ways To Show Your Child You Love Them Without Saying It – Parenthood

7 ways to show your kid you love them without saying it

But there are plenty of ways to show your child that you love them. You don’t have to say it. You can use another very simple language: your body language.

In this article, we would like to offer you seven ways to show your child that you love them with your body language.

The looks

With just a look, you can show your child that you love them.

It is often said that the eyes are the mirror of the soul or that a look is worth a thousand words.

If words can deceive, looks can’t. With just one glance, you can show your child that you love them. It’s a very easy way to show him your affection.

Your tenderness, your devotion, your affection, your love, your respect… You can express all of these things with simple looks.


Caresses are used to show how much you care about a person. When you feel absolutely nothing for someone, you never want to touch them.

Caresses warm the soul. A child who is used to receiving and enjoying the caresses of his mother is a happy child. And if he receives these marks of affection, he will also learn to return them.

Each time you give your child a hug, you silently let them know that you are happy to be by their side.

The kisses

All the kisses you give your child raise a gauge of love in their heart. He will feel loved for years, even when he leaves the nest, is an adult and you will not be able to show him your affection every day.

The touch of your lips to the skin of the cheek, eyelids, hands, forehead or any part of the body conveys the affection you began to show long before birth to your child.


Hugs express trust, cordiality and brotherhood. These are actions that come naturally to us when we feel good with someone and are happy to see them or spend time with them.

You should hug your child every time they return from daycare, college, or sports. Also hug him as soon as he gets up in the morning or to say goodbye.

The tighter you squeeze him, the better he will understand that you love him.

Hugs allow you to show your child that you love them.

The winks

If you want to show your child that you love them, give them a wink whenever they deserve it. Winks can express different things:

  • “I approve of what you are doing.”
  • “I think you are great and you have a good demeanor.”
  • “You are doing something stupid, but I am your accomplice.”


We laugh and smile when we are happy.

Smiles can warm anyone’s heart and drive away melancholy.

When you smile at your child, not only do you tell him that you are happy that he is a part of your life, you also give him energy and courage. You remind him to take life on the bright side, with optimism and joy.

If you want to show your child that you love them and make them happy, give them a smile.

The attentions

Answer his calls when he is afraid or needs you to help him do something, turn to him whenever he talks to you or asks you to watch what he has just done, provide for his needs, listen to him, show compassion, give him a few hours a day to play with him or do something he likes, take him to do extra-curricular activities, help him with his homework, educate him… All these little touches show your love for your child.

If you give him the advice he needs, if you feed him, if you protect him, if you instill values ​​in him, if you prepare him for life, if you give him toys, if you show him how overcome an obstacle, if you offer him your shoulder to cry on, if you are present whenever he needs you… Words are almost useless. You are already showing him how big your heart is when he is by your side. It is all your actions that bear witness to this.

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