8 Lessons For Teenagers – Being Parents

8 lessons for teenagers

Here are 8 lessons for teens. In a society like today, which bombards children and adolescents with information, it is difficult to teach them what is right.

Faced with distorted morals and an image of what is acceptable and what is not, parents face a great challenge.

While it is not easy to convey values ​​to adolescents, it is possible if you start at a young age. To do this, keep in mind the importance of these teachings for adolescents .

Make sure you provide your children with a suitable environment in which they recognize the importance of values. Indeed,  with a healthy environment, there are more chances to form beings in good emotional and physical health.

“It is not possible to think that maturity and entire health develop in an immature and sick social framework”

-Donald Winnicott-

Essential lessons for adolescents

1. Values ​​are fundamental

Qualities and values ​​are just concepts until they start to apply.

As soon as they are young, show them what behavior or what reaction is correct in a given situation.  Thinking about the consequences of actions makes a person mature and aware.

Teachings for adolescents are fundamental for them to grow up to be responsible and healthy adults.

2. Empathy makes people better

One of the most important lessons for adolescents is to understand that  empathy is the basis for recognizing the other as an equal being who deserves good treatment. The only way to develop this characteristic is to be treated with empathy.

Before questioning or making judgments about a person’s way of acting, you have to put yourself in their shoes. This is precisely what allows us to integrate the situation and be more understanding with others.

3. Decisions made should be based on values

During adolescence, young people are confronted every day with situations in which they must make decisions. Teach them that their choice should be based on the values ​​and training they have received at school and at home.

If they get the right education from an early age, they will be less tempted to do things that can be harmful to themselves.

4. Helping others is rewarding

The human being can sometimes become very selfish, especially at the time of youth. Therefore, one of the best lessons for adolescents is to cooperate with the community.

Being a volunteer or participating in a project with a well-defined cause will allow him to forge his character. A person who cooperates with others more easily appreciates what they do for them.

5. Not everything the media says is true

A solid discernment of good and evil, according to values, avoids risks and problems. You need to teach your child that no matter how attractive something is, it won’t always be right for them.

He will thus learn to distinguish what is good for him and what can harm him, always in connection with his principles.

6. Paying attention to money and personal items is essential

One good practice that you can do with your children is to save money. Avoid always giving them what they want at the moment. Invent strategies that will allow them to get what they want on their own.

Give them chores to do around the house. Also offer them rewards that teach them that achieving what you want takes effort.

Teachings for adolescents allow them to differentiate between what is good and bad for them.

7. Rules form character

Emphasize daily discipline and the importance of following the rules. Even if your children do not accept them at the time, day after day they will understand that they are necessary to live together.

Emphasize the need to establish behavioral parameters for the social system to work.  Respect and tolerance are therefore the key to good coexistence.

8. Healthy habits are essential

This teaching should be implemented from an early age, and not just in adolescence. As a family, be sure to always take actions to care for others.

Suggest that your children play sports, choose what they eat and drink, and have regular medical examinations. A person who takes care of his body and his mind has better self-esteem and is more confident.

Educating your children during adolescence is essential so that they apply your teachings in adulthood. Indeed,  it is at this moment that the bases and the principles which they will follow throughout their life are established.

Finally, do everything you can to maintain smooth communication with your children. You will thus be in a better position to accompany them on this path.

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