8 Vitamin-rich Foods For Children – Parenthood

8 vitamin-rich foods for kids

Nutrition is a central aspect for optimal physical, mental and emotional development. During childhood, the quintessential growth stage, relying on basic nutrients is necessary. It is for this reason that we present to you foods rich in vitamins for children.

Vitamins are extremely important substances for our body. In this article, we will see the different types of vitamins and their functions. Of course, we will tell you in which foods we can find them.

Why are vitamins important for children?

There are different types of vitamins. For example, fat soluble vitamins like those in groups A, D, E and K, which can be absorbed via fat. On the other hand, those of groups B and C are water-soluble, that is to say that they are absorbed by means of water.

8 vitamin-rich foods for kids

The most natural way to absorb vitamins is through food. But we can also absorb it through food supplements. Here are some ideal foods to get these vitamins so valuable for health:

1. Vegetables

This is unfortunately not good news for children who do not like this type of food, but vegetables are an essential source of vitamins.

Carrots are high in vitamin A, as are green leafy vegetables like lettuce, spinach and chard. The latter group also contains vitamin K and B2.

Likewise, onions, peppers, cabbage and zucchini contain many vitamins.

2. Dairy products and eggs

Like carrots and other orange vegetables, dairy products and eggs contain a lot of vitamin A. It is very beneficial for the body: it is important for the mucous membranes and the skin, it prevents infections and it is necessary for bone growth and health.

In addition, this group also contains vitamins of group D. These promote the assimilation of calcium which allows for healthy bones and teeth.

Vitamins in dairy products

3. The fish

Fish are extremely nutritious. In addition, it is very attractive to many children, because its texture and flavor are very different from other meats. However, your child may not like it at all.

4. Cereals

Grains, like legumes, contain a lot of vitamin B. In fact, many children’s breakfast items boost their vitamin B intake.

It should be noted that these foods are absorbed more easily with lactose. It is for this reason that it is recommended to combine them with yogurt or a glass of milk during breakfast.

Vitamin B is very important because it provides energy and allows healthy growth in many ways. In addition, it has other functions that we will see in the next paragraph.

5. Meat

It not only provides vitamins, it also provides vitamin B. As we mentioned in the paragraph on cereals, its functions are diverse. In addition to those already mentioned, this vitamin participates in the functioning of the nervous, digestive and cellular system among others.

olive oil

6. Olive oil

It is important in children’s diets especially because of its vitamin E intake. It works as an antioxidant, which is fundamental for cells. Thus, it helps prevent many diseases.

7. Citrus fruits

They are not such a rich source of vitamins, but they help provide those necessary for the body’s defense. Concretely, they provide a lot of vitamin C. You can find it in particular in kiwis, pineapple, tomatoes and peppers.

This type of vitamin, which is also found in dried fruits, is better absorbed when combined with iron. It is for this reason that it is preferable to prepare a salad of tomatoes or another of peppers with your meats and fish. It’s even better if you take a piece of fruit for dessert.

8. Lawyers

Here is another fruit with great nutritional value. Avocado contains a lot of vitamins E and D, the effects of which have been described above.

If you add these ingredients to your children’s diet, then a majority of their nutritional needs will be met. Organize your dishes and foods according to your menu. The result will be better health for the whole family.

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