Food Cravings For Pregnant Women – Parenthood

Pregnancy cravings

The cravings of the pregnant woman are an element that must be controlled ; indulging in limitless eating is never healthy. Being overweight and other problems caused by this situation can be an obstacle to the proper development of the baby. They also cause troubles in the mother.

Obstetricians recommend taking precautions when a pregnant woman tells them about her cravings. They know that if this desire to eat at all hours is not controlled and channeled on time, the situation of the mother-to-be may become more complicated.

When do pregnant woman’s cravings appear?

Each pregnancy is a unique experience which depends on various parameters. It is quite possible that some women develop food cravings and others do not.

Thus, when the appetite begins to be inordinate, the urge to eat is continuous. From waking up to bedtime, the woman only thinks about eating and looking for any food to eat. Moreover, even if the mother-to-be has just eaten or had dinner, she immediately wants to eat again.

This desperate urge to eat can occur at different stages of pregnancy. Some pregnant women experience it from the first trimester. However, as a rule, it appears between the second and third trimester of gestation; that is, when the pregnancy is already well advanced.

False beliefs about the cravings of the pregnant woman

Over time, various explanations have been given for this exaggerated appetite. There are popular beliefs that have nothing to do with proven scientific reality:

  • One of these beliefs is based on the size of the baby developing in the womb. They say that very large babies need a lot of food ; as a result, her mom has to eat constantly to meet her needs.

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  • Other people associate these cravings with permanent cravings. It is even said that these desires must be satisfied to avoid leaving “marks” on the baby. Consequently, the family circle tries to collaborate and to ensure that the cravings of the pregnant woman are satisfied, and that this one eats continuously.
  • Some women also think they should “eat for two”. This belief has a psychological impact which causes the pregnant woman’s cravings. Thus, the woman eats her ration of food and another to ensure the growth of her child; she is therefore obsessed with providing all the nutrients necessary for the proper development of her baby.

    All of these myths have no real basis. The cravings of the pregnant woman have nothing to do with the size of the developing baby, nor with the cravings it causes in the mother.

    What are the real causes?

    Pregnancy cravings  arise, in part, because of the psychological effect that all these mistaken beliefs have on the woman. 

    On the other hand, social pressure and influence also play an important role, as we have seen; the people around the pregnant woman give her advice for “the good” of the baby and her own. She may be asked several times a day if she is eating well.

    Beyond these psychological causes, there are physiological reasons. Indeed, hormones, and especially estrogen, play a determining role in the onset of hunger attacks in pregnant women.

    During pregnancy, the placenta secretes estrogen. These hormones cause anxiety and nervousness that lead to compulsive behaviors, such as overeating.

    In this state of general and compulsive nervousness, the pregnant woman eats excessively. Appetite is associated with foods that women previously forbade themselves precisely for health reasons. She feels a form of freedom from deprivation and takes a lot of very unsavory foods in a healthy diet.

    Unbalanced diet in a pregnant woman

    How to control the cravings of the pregnant woman?

    A balanced diet is always a determining factor for the baby and the mother. Let’s not forget that excessive weight gain can cause gestational diabetes, which appears in pregnant women.

    So what can be done so that binge eating does not cause problems? Choosing the right foods is essential: fast sugars and elaborate sweets should be avoided. In addition, priority should be given to foods that calm your appetite without making you fat: cereals, bananas, vegetables rich in fiber, fruits.

    Likewise, taking care of the mind is very important. A pregnant woman who spends all of her time alone at home thinking about her pregnancy will feel more anxious. As a last resort, of course, seeing a dietitian can be very supportive.

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