How To Stimulate Children’s Math Skills? – Being Parents

How to stimulate children's math skills?

Mathematics  has a deep relationship with what surrounds us. That is why it is important to stimulate children’s math skills. What are the advantages ? How do you get there?

What is Mathematics?

It is said that mathematics  studies the properties of numbers as well as the relationships that may exist between them. However, in the case of math skills, the definition is different. What does this expression refer to?

The concept of mathematical competence

Mathematical skills combine the ability to use numbers and the basic operations that can be performed between them in order to interpret information of different types. This is aimed at solving the constant problems of today’s world.

Math skills are useful from an early age to understand the world around us.

In simpler terms, math skills  mix math with real world problem solving. Or in another way:

“The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple”. -Stan Gudder-

Since the beginning of humanity, there has been a need to measure or count everything around us. In fact,  the progress of mathematical skills and human civilization have evolved together. It is therefore essential to stimulate children’s mathematical skills.

Aspects that are part of math skills

  • The ability to interpret information  or data from the elements around us.
  • The handling of basic mathematical elements  (measurements, geometric elements, etc.) in everyday life situations.
  • A process of reasoning  that leads to the  solution of problems  in different contexts.

The importance of encouraging children’s math skills

In itself, logical-mathematical thinking is fundamental, as it  involves the understanding of abstract concepts  as well as various relationships. These abilities help a person, in this case a child, demonstrate healthy development. This promotes the achievement of goals and personal achievements.

In addition, intelligence develops when solving problems in addition to bringing meaning and order in the decisions or actions to be taken. Finally, mathematical skills make it possible to establish relationships between various concepts and  promote the development of a plan according to the objectives to be achieved.

Some Ways to Boost Math Skills

It should be emphasized that when encouraging children’s mathematical skills, we must keep in mind that  this stimulation must be in accordance with the age of each child,  and respect their own rhythm. Here are a few ways to do it:

1. Personal experimentation

Allow children to experiment with different objects. In this way, they will become aware of the specific characteristics of the object, establishing differences and similarities. It  stimulates reasoning.

Planning of logistics activities

Provide children with a variety of activities that involve classifying, comparing or identifying several objects. They can thus  stimulate the relationship between objects.

2. Learn the causes and effects of actions and use observation

We need to teach children about the effects of the decisions we make in everyday life. Thanks to this,  we encourage deductive reasoning when solving problems. Observation should be used in different scenarios in order to gain a better understanding of our surroundings by relating it to mathematical operations.

3. Using games and causing problems

Different games that stimulate the development of thinking can be used, for example,  guessing games,  sudokus and card games. Raise issues that require mental effort on the part of children. This should be done taking into account the age of each person, because if the problem at hand is too complex for them, they can become demotivated and give up.

4. Motivate them to think and question

Children should be encouraged to think about certain things in everyday life. They can be aspects that seem inexplicable, and then  play with them and seek a logical explanation. Ask questions that motivate them to imagine possibilities. For example, they may have questions such as: “what would you do if…?”

5. Let the child face math problems

When faced with a mathematical problem, we can give the children a guide or a lead on how to solve it, but  we must let them find the solution on their own. In addition, we can motivate them to use and handle quantities. Example: they can compare the prices of products.

Math skills allow children to clear their minds and solve everyday problems on their own.

The benefits of boosting children’s math skills

What are the benefits of encouraging children’s math skills?

  1. The fact that they perform mathematical operations without the use of pencil or paper  stimulates the ability to pay attention and concentrate.
  2. According to experts,  this provides versatility and independence  in problem solving.
  3. It helps to  think before making decisions.

It contributes to the development of analytical thinking and promotes wisdom

Analytical thinking involves  breaking down various arguments, analyzing them, and coming to a conclusion. Thus, the understanding of a question or a subject is greatly improved.

Through analytical thinking, we also develop the capacity for inquiry with the aim of knowing the truth of the facts. In the long term, this helps prevent children from allowing themselves to be manipulated or being deceived. On the other hand, wisdom grows. It is about knowing how to apply the acquired knowledge, in fact  mathematical skills are linked with other sciences, such as technology.

It activates the mind

Math  skills  contribute to a better understanding of various subjects, as their essence is to explain how things work. This facilitates communication because a better understanding  promotes the expression of coherent, clear and precise thoughts.

Ultimately, mathematical skills make the mind nimble, as everyday life is made up of confrontations with situations that demand a choice. It is a fact that children cannot escape. And in many cases,  there are several ways to resolve a problem. For all these reasons, it is necessary and very beneficial to stimulate the math skills of children.

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