Mother’s Sleep After The Baby Is Born – Being Parents

Mother's sleep after the baby is born

The arrival of a baby marks a before and after in the life of a family. Routines change dramatically, as do priorities. There are new obligations to meet and concerns that we have never experienced before. Most importantly, the mother’s sleep after the baby is born will be greatly affected.

Indeed, the inability to obtain sufficient and quality rest is one of the main problems of mothers of newborns. Lack of sleep can lead to serious physical and emotional health problems. It is therefore important to take care of this basic function as much as possible.

Sleep after the baby is born

With the arrival of the child, the mother often finds herself exhausted and worn out from work. Despite this, she cannot rest, as there is now a “little person” who needs her care almost 24 hours a day. Added to this is the worry of not being able to keep up, the lack of time and, of course, the lack of sleep.

mother sleeping with her baby

We have to take into account that a newborn baby sleeps about 18 hours a day, but never in a row. It is therefore inevitable that the mother’s sleep patterns will be affected. Additionally, hormones seem to work against us as well, causing a lot of daytime sleepiness.

Despite everything, sleep is essential to keep us in good health and to be able to exercise our motherhood properly. It is therefore essential to follow certain guidelines to ensure, as far as possible, restorative rest.

How to improve your sleep after the baby is born?

Adopt the baby’s schedules

One of the most important steps is to adapt your sleep schedule to that of the baby. A child’s rest is fragmented into several short periods, and if you try to sleep only at night, you will be unable to keep up. So every time your child is sleeping, you should do the same.

Forget about previous routines and schedules, forget about chores you need to complete, and don’t worry if the house is disorganized. Sleep when your baby is sleeping; for now, sleep is a priority and the rest can wait.

Make the most of your night’s sleep

Nighttime sleep will be most necessary for you, but for the child, it is only one of the 6 or 7 periods when their rest is distributed. Therefore, if you want to make him lie down, you have to help him understand when it is dark and when it is day.

To do this, during the day, put him to bed in rooms where it is bright and where he can hear the noises of everyday life. However, when it is dark, make sure the bedroom is dark and quiet.

On the other hand, if your baby is bottle-fed, don’t hesitate to delegate morning feedings to the father. Sharing your baby’s care and education is important, and doing it together will give you a better night’s sleep.

mother sleeping with her baby

If you have chosen to breastfeed, avoid looking at your watch during night feeds. This will activate your mind and may make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Just feed your baby and keep sleeping.

Take care of your sleep hygiene

We all know the guidelines for quality sleep. However, we are not always consistent in their follow-up. Now is the time to put all of these recommendations into practice.

Always try to stay in bed, in the dark and in silence. Avoid sleeping on the sofa or with the television on, as this will prevent you from falling into a deep sleep. It is also important not to eat or drink stimulating foods and to exercise some type of exercise regularly and moderately.

Delegate and enjoy

Finally, remember that you don’t have to be versatile, you don’t have to do it all alone. Learn to delegate, to ask loved ones for help when you need a break. This will make you healthier and happier, and you can take better care of your baby.

And above all, enjoy the trip. Remember that in a few months your child will be increasing their nighttime sleep hours and everything will be better. Be calm, patient and optimistic, and savor those first months of their life.

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