6 Tips For Teaching Children To Do Their Homework On Their Own – Parenthood

6 tips for teaching kids to do their homework on their own

One of the stages that marks the independence of children occurs when they learn to do their homework on their own. Indeed, homework is a responsibility. At the same time, this important step teaches the little ones to manage their time.

As a mother, you surely want to have the magic formula to motivate your child to do his homework. Unfortunately, it is not that simple! However, you should keep in mind that it  is possible to teach children to do their homework on their own using certain methods. We tell you more below.

6 tips for teaching kids to do their homework on their own

The following tips will help children complete their school activities on their own:

1. Help them if necessary

Our first tip for teaching children to do their homework is to  show them at all times your willingness to help them when they need it. This will give them the confidence to take the first step. They will then be able to face the exercises which are less difficult for them.

You should always offer them your help and support with calm and joy. Remember to give positive feedback so that the child does not associate homework with something negative.

The onset of autonomy depends to a large extent on the age of the child.  You should always monitor it to find a methodology that suits it. Instead of giving him the answers, it is better to help him answer the questions using the knowledge he has acquired.

2. Stay positive

In reality, the child learns a lot from his parents. They must remain positive and enthusiastic about his new knowledge acquired to encourage him to persevere despite the difficulties. Likewise, it is good to motivate the child to do better and praise him when he makes an effort.

It is essential to help the child so that he learns to do his homework on his own.

If the situation is complicated,  we advise you not to show your discouragement or exasperation, as this can affect the motivation of the child.

3. You must be his main supporter

Indeed,  children’s attitudes towards schoolwork tend to be more positive when their parents get involved. In addition, the more competent parents are to support their children in their learning, the more positive and appropriate their interventions will be.

By instilling the pleasure of teaching in the child,  the parent helps him develop his motivation and self-confidence. And everyone wins!

4. Do not put pressure on the child

If you want to teach children to do their homework on their own,  the first thing you need to know is that young children don’t know how to work under pressure or anxiety. Therefore, you should try not to put pressure on them, without minimizing the importance of homework.

For example, it is not appropriate to attack the child with phrases like: “You are not done yet” or “You have to do them now, they are for tomorrow”. Keep in mind that it can be counterproductive to do this and these words create a blockage in the child.

Likewise, it  is necessary to instill in him the importance of doing as much as he can  consciously and learning, instead of doing everything quickly and badly. As a mother, you need to help her calmly deal with the consequences of not doing things on time and encourage her not to do so in the future.

5. Choose specific places to do homework and study

It is advisable to reserve specific places for the studies. Think for example of the child’s room, kitchen or dining table,  in order to eliminate as many distractions as possible.

For this, it is essential to have desks that have enough space to distribute the necessary materials, such as pencils, pens, paper, books and other essentials.

You can encourage the child to use a small book or notebook where he can write homework.  Thus, there will be no confusion on when to hand them over to the teacher.

Teaching children to do their homework on their own is good for their independence.

6. Organization

If you want your child to be organized,  you need to invest enough time to help the child learn an organization system. As a mother your job is to teach him good methodology, You have to guide him and correct him if necessary.

Also, if you find that the child needs help managing their time,  you need to show them the skills needed, helping them understand what it means to prioritize based on importance and date. due date of each assignment.

In short,  you can’t force your kids to do anything, let alone do their schoolwork. Instead, the idea should be to set limits, respect their individual choices, and motivate them.

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