Fifteenth Week Of Pregnancy – Being Parents

Fifteenth week of pregnancy

The baby, meanwhile, grew to the size of an apple. It measures between 10 and 10 centimeters.

The baby in the fifteenth week of pregnancy

The baby may show his penis during the ultrasound. In addition, his arms and feet are growing. It is now possible for him to move the joints.

During this week, the child begins to develop his lungs by breathing in the fluid around him. It is also possible for him to savor some foods through amniotic fluid.

Although he does not keep his eyes closed,  he can perceive light. He can also hear and recognize his mother’s voice. At this time, he begins to gain weight – up to about 50 grams.

The fifteenth week ultrasound

By the fifteenth week of pregnancy, the baby’s skeleton is not yet fully formed. Nevertheless, one can see his spine with the nerve endings. In addition,  he is able to lift his neck and his hands. Sometimes the baby can be seen putting his fingers to his mouth.

The mother’s body during the fifteenth week of pregnancy

  • The major change for the mother is her well-being. Hormones begin to stabilize. The sensations of nausea or vomiting thus decrease considerably.
  • Likewise, the mother’s skin and hair begin to look again.
  • In multiparous mothers, the belly is noticed. In primiparas, on the other hand, it retains a discreet size.
  • To avoid stretch marks or tears in the skin,  it is necessary to keep the skin hydrated. Creams against streaks have more effect on this area. It is also recommended to apply them on the crotch, thighs and buttocks.
  • Until this week,  pregnant women generally gain weight – up to around 5 kilograms. In some cases, it may be more, due to fluid retention and eating habits.
  • Since the baby begins to smell the flavors,  specialists recommend starting a healthy diet. It is the healthiest way to instill good habits in the baby.
  • In some women with capillary fragility,  the presence of varicose veins is common. This is generally a phenomenon of genetic origin. It can be avoided by exercising.
  • Constipation is another hallmark of the fifteenth week of pregnancy. This is due to hormones, lack of iron intake as a vitamin supplement, or lack of exercise. In order to reduce the effects, a pregnant woman should consume fiber and should drink plenty of water.

Diet during the fifteenth week of pregnancy

During the whole process, it is essential that the mother maintains a balanced diet. Nevertheless,  during the fifteenth week, anxiety and cravings may intensify.

If necessary, the mother will have to maintain her consistency and eat what does not harm her or the baby. This does not prevent you from indulging in a little whim from time to time like chocolate or candy.

Lack of energy is common during this week. This is why we recommend the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates. We can cite, for example, fruits and vegetables.

However,  consuming cookies, bread, or other complex carbohydrates can lead to greater fatigue. Indeed, these are more difficult to digest and put the body in slow motion to be able to digest.

A mother touches her belly

Proteins are also fundamental. We must nevertheless be vigilant with the consumption of fish – especially for its high level of mercury. It is  best to consult the specialist to find out which fish are allowed during pregnancy. 

In addition, it is essential that the mother regularly takes the vitamin supplement prescribed by her doctor.

Recommendations for the 15th week of pregnancy

  1. Respect rest. Since pregnant women feel more active during this week, many overlook the importance of rest. The mother should try to sleep 8 hours a night. She must also rest during the day, depending on her activity.
  2. Exercise is a good ally to relieve discomfort in the body  of pregnant women. In addition, it will be of great help for the day of childbirth. Relaxation exercises like yoga are ideal. One can also consider a simple routine with simple exercises at the gym.
  3. Enjoy the moment.  Talking with the baby and connecting with the womb every day will help prepare the mother’s mind for childbirth.

Taking care of and caring for the baby is very easy, do not miss the opportunities that you have around you to feel good.

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