8 Benefits Of Karate For Children – Parenthood

8 benefits of karate for children

Karate has many benefits for children. The simple fact of playing a sport will prove to be beneficial for them. In this area, karate stands out because it teaches positive attitudes.

As we mentioned before, karate is good for children. From discipline and values ​​to developing their self-esteem, tolerance, patience and responsibility.

Karate, a thousand-year-old practice

It is one of the oldest sports practices in the world. His techniques are based on Bushido , an ethical code whose principles are centered on loyalty and honor.

The term “karate” literally means “empty hands”. It stems from the fact that this discipline does not require any type of weapon to defend itself, only empty-handed. 

Karate allows children to develop effective self-defense techniques.

But beyond that, the benefits are manifold both physically and psychologically.

Benefits of karate for children

  1. Self defense

    Karate is one of the most valuable tools a parent can give their child. This choice can be justified for many reasons but without a doubt,  self-defense  is one of its main strengths.

    In an increasingly complicated and dangerous world, a child who knows how to defend himself can make a difference at the time of a violent act.

    A child practices the gestures

  2. Self esteem

    This principle applies in fact to most martial arts. It has been shown that  people who practice this sport are more self-confident.

    The development of a healthy self-esteem is explained not only by the acquired self-defense techniques but also by the reinforcement of other factors, such as discipline.

    Discipline, ethics, honor and loyalty are important values  in this practice. This is why the development of the practitioner of this sport is complete.

  3. Energy and focus

    Sports activities such as karate are mainly recommended for  children with anger and attention problems. This practice will allow them to learn to control their emotions, to release their energy and to concentrate as much as possible in the activity they are doing.

  4. Better coordination

    Many exercises and movements practiced in karate are beneficial for the posture and balance of the child. Thus, this practice is able to  stimulate the coordination and balance of the child.

  5. Improves health

    Many specialists recommend the practice of karate as a complement to respiratory and / or cardiological treatments. Karate has been shown to help control breathing, just like the heart rate.

  6. Favorable for different disorders

    Karate is also found to be beneficial for children who suffer from inattention, just like autism spectrum disorders. Indeed, group discipline is effective in channeling these disorders.

    Children practice karate
    In addition, karate is  effective in helping children overcome their anxiety issues. These problems are generally due to bullying at school.

    With the practice of this sport, the child will learn to  feel sure of himself. Thus, he will not allow others to abuse him.

  7. Be more peaceful

    It may sound somewhat contradictory. Nevertheless, the practice of martial arts helps the child to  avoid situations  which could become violent. In other words, he will learn to defend himself if necessary but he will also know how to avoid seeking conflict.

    For example, if a bullying situation arises at school, the child will try to resolve it without having to end up in violence.

  8. Self control

    Self-control is another of the great benefits of this discipline. The discipline and concentration taught during the lessons will be of great help to him in dealing with many situations throughout his life.

    The child will  develop his patience enormously. He will always try to avoid conflicting situations. Self-control is a key in the practice of this martial art.

    The benefits of karate for children are numerous. It is one of the most complete sports disciplines since it contributes to both the physical and mental development of the practitioner.

    It is undoubtedly one of the best tools that a parent can offer their child for an optimal development of his person.

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