In What Position Should Babies Sleep? – Being Parents

What position should babies sleep in?

You are thinking about this because you want to rule out any risk factors that compromise the well-being or integrity of your newborn baby.

It is normal to feel a little anxious to know if we will do things right and if we will be able to guarantee the well-being of this little one who seems so fragile and who depends 100% on us.

This is why  it is important to reduce the risk factors,  in this case when the baby is going to bed, and therefore be more peaceful and take advantage of the time to recover energy.

In this context,  there are two things that all mothers dread while their babies are sleeping. The first is called Sudden Death Syndrome and the second is reflux concerns.

What are the risk factors for babies when they sleep?

What position should babies sleep in?

In the case of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, the causes are not yet known,  as it is a manifestation that affects healthy children of sudden form up to the age of one. Even after an autopsy, we were unable to determine the exact reasons for this fact.

Experts believe Sudden Infant Death Syndrome also known as “cradle death” could be linked to heart or respiratory failure in the  baby,  although there are no exact data on this. .

Another theme that can alarm moms is when  the baby has reflux, but it is a temporary problem caused by immaturity in the digestive tract. 

However, the danger this causes is called bronchial aspiration, or in simpler terms, is the fact that the vomit goes to the lungs and causes choking.

Baby sleep myths and facts

How should they sleep?

Although it was long believed that it was best for a child to sleep on his stomach, because in case of reflux or vomiting it was the best position to expel or reduce the risk of suffocation, it did not. only increased cases of sudden death and led to medical research.

It is for this reason that doctors now recommend that the baby sleep on his back. Since this change was put into practice, cases of such deaths have declined significantly. Here are some other recommendations you can use to keep your baby out of harm’s way:

  • Choose a firm mattress  and avoid sleeping on soft surfaces.
  • Don’t cover it with blankets  or quilts for at least a year, while keeping it warm in weather-appropriate pajamas.
  • Make sure your baby’s room has  adequate ventilation and temperature. Covering children too much can cause the body to overheat.
  • Keep your baby  away from cigarette smoke.
  • Choose  simple bedding, preferably cotton. Some people even prefer not to use the protectors that go around the child’s bed.
  • Use a pillow adapted to the size of the baby,  avoid those of adults. There are some that are specially designed for ebb and have a slight incline ideal for little ones.
  • Some pediatricians advise to avoid that the baby sleeps with adults,  because when breathing carbon dioxide is exhaled, which is harmful to the little one in case he sucks it in. However, everyone is free to make their own decision.

By taking into account  these recommendations, you will ensure that your little one gets a restful sleep, that he is comfortable and at the same time safe. This way, parents can have more peace of mind while their babies sleep and continue to grow healthy.

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