Recipes For Diabetics, An Option For The Whole Family – Parenthood

Recipes for diabetics, an option for the whole family

The lifestyle of diabetic patients is not easy. They should no longer eat certain foods and reduce the consumption of others that can be harmful to their health.

This can cause anxiety and a desire to consume these foods. Fortunately, there are recipes for diabetics that can be incorporated into any diet without the risk.

The ban on eating sweets

Often, diabetics return to childish habits by eating sweets, desserts, junk food or drinking sodas on the sly. In addition, misinformation about proper nutrition and the ability to follow it on a daily basis add to the difficulties.

Still, there are many nutritional options for people with diabetes. The key is not to fall into a boring and stressful routine for people with this metabolic problem.

It is a disease which can be hereditary or which can come from bad eating habits of the patient as of his entourage.

In all cases, it is recommended to consult a specialist to develop a suitable diet for each particular case. Thus, a diabetic patient should consult his doctor as well as a dietitian to develop a diet plan.

These two specialists will take into consideration: the blood sugar and the patient’s weight as well as the medications he takes on a daily basis. As well as other possible diseases that coexist with diabetes and the patient’s physical activity.

In this way, the quality of life of diabetics can be maintained or even improved.

In addition, high blood pressure or hypertension are important factors to consider.

bad eating habits of diabetics

General recommendations for diabetic patients

We must reduce the portions that we eat during meals, especially in children. In addition, you must constantly control the recommended servings for each food as well as the number of servings for each meal. In addition, it is important to practice daily physical activity.

Likewise, it’s important to eat less nutrient-dense foods and use less fat for cooking.

Your best bet is to limit the intake of foods that are high in saturated fat and trans fatty acids. These include pieces of fatty meat, cakes, sweets, whole milk or whole milk based dairy products and fried foods.

In addition, it is also important to increase your consumption of foods that contain fiber, such as whole grain products. These include cereals that are 100% complete such as oats, brown rice, wholemeal patties and pita bread.

In addition, it should also be borne in mind that if one suffers from this pathology, it is essential to consume a variety of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis. This can be fresh, frozen, dried or canned fruit or fresh fruit juices.

Recipe for diabetics: baked salmon with sautéed vegetables and olives

It is one of the most practical and economical recipes for diabetics with ingredients that can often be found at home.


  • 200 g of salmon
  • 100 g green olives
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 8 small artichokes
  • Chives
  • 2 carrots
  • 100 g of peeled broad beans
  • Olive oil
  • A few sprigs of fresh thyme
  • A pinch of salt

recipes for diabetics


  • Remove the outer leaves of the artichokes, prick them and boil them in salted water. Leave them like this until they are al dente.
  • Peel and cut the carrots into small cubes before blanching them for two minutes in boiling water.
  • Cook the beans until al dente.
  • Brown the chives in a pan with a little olive oil. Add the artichoke hearts, broad beans, green olives and small pieces of carrots. Brown everything with a pinch of salt and set aside.
  • Preheat the oven to 200 ° C and bake the salmon for about 5 minutes.
  • Serve the sautéed vegetables and add the salmon on top.
  • Finally, add a few sprigs of thyme to decorate your dish.

This succulent recipe is not only made for diabetics, it can also be enjoyed by the whole family. Eating healthy is beneficial for the whole family and helps prevent the appearance of new pathologies.

The diet that diabetics must follow is really strict. Fortunately, there are now many recipes for those who suffer from this disease as well as a multitude of tips for taking care of their body.

The results that emanate from this kind of attention are genuinely beneficial to the patient. Improving the quality of life for diabetic patients is within reach.

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