My Baby Sucks His Thumb: What To Do? – Being Parents

My baby sucks his thumb: what to do?

Parents often have a lot of doubts about certain behaviors of their children. One of the most common concerns is: “My baby is sucking his thumb, what can I do about it?

Usually, this is a habit that starts in the mother’s womb, so it is quite normal in newborns and often lasts for a while.

Most children put a finger in their mouth and suck it. Others prefer two fingers or part of the fist. Some people rub their face against a cloth or blanket while sucking on their thumbs. It’s all part of an adorable ritual of natural baby relaxation. But… until when is all this normal?

Why is my child sucking his finger?

By sucking his fingers, sucking on a pacifier or a cloth, he establishes an appropriate contact between the baby and the world around him. This habit can last until the child is 2 to 3 years old. If it’s a stressed, insecure, or very spoiled baby, it could last a lot longer.

How long can we tolerate it?

It is recommended to watch this habit and not to let it go on for too long. This habit can have effects on the health of the child. Many children give up this habit on their own.

Other children, on the other hand, will have a harder time giving up the habit and will need help, while others will swap their finger for a pacifier.

Usually this habit is associated with the need to calm down when faced with something that is bothering them or that they feel. You could say, then, that this is their way of relaxing.

If your child sucks his finger for an extended period of time, it increases the possibility that teeth and gum defects and abnormalities will subsequently be observed, in addition to problems with the mandible joint.

My baby sucks his thumb: what are the consequences?

sucks his thumb

Children who start to suck their thumbs from a very young age have many dental problems. Having a finger in your mouth all the time delays the growth of certain teeth and promotes the deformation of some.

The intensity of the suction as well as the support of the tongue will certainly cause the use of dental braces later in the future.

On the other hand, when the child exerts pressure on the palate and pushes it upwards, what is called the ogival palate occurs. Pushing, stealing the space provided for the nasal cavity for proper breathing, causes oral breathing.

Also, the finger prevents the tongue from moving freely. This leads to flat tongue syndrome, which leads to language difficulties.

Another big issue is the fact that this shifts the upper teeth forward, especially the middle two. This is better known as dental malocclusion or happy teeth. To improve this defect, the wearing of dental braces is necessary.

However, not all difficulties are oral. This habit can also cause certain problems with other parts of the body. This is the case with headaches or even ear pain.

sucks his thumb

How to help a child to stop sucking his thumb?

Taking into account all the consequences of practicing this habit for a long time, it is important that parents act appropriately.

Stopping thumb sucking is always a time consuming process because it brings many feelings of satisfaction to the child.

The child sucks his thumb to get to sleep. You can try giving her a rag doll or a soft toy that will help her relax with touch.

Does he suck his thumb only when he’s alone or bored? Try to offer him alternative activities that will make him feel supported and motivated. For example, you can take him for a walk, personalize a story or play sports.

On the other hand, putting gloves, a bandage, or covering his finger with a nasty substance – something that stings or lemon – are old school alternatives that worked in their day.

However, currently it is more recommended to work on positive reinforcement through rewards whenever he goes a while without sucking his finger. Thus, the child will feel encouraged to achieve a goal to obtain his reward.

With this motivation and the displays of pride every time your child does not put his finger in his mouth you have the key to success in minimizing the consequences of this innately adopted habit. In addition, you must, of course, arm yourself with patience and determination.

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