A Happy Child Is Rebellious, Restless And Noisy – Parenthood

A happy child is rebellious, restless and loud

A happy child is restless. It is curious to see how a movement emerging in recent years does not seem to understand the essence of this idea. What is childhood? What does she suppose? What is its value to a society? To date there are already many restaurants, bars and hotels that clearly state that children are not allowed.

We are all aware that when it comes to offering a service, every entrepreneur is free to offer what he wants, especially knowing that there is demand.

Indeed, countries like the United States or the United Kingdom were the first to offer places in hotels and restaurants with the motto “minors prohibited” so that the customer does not have to endure crying, races or games for children.

Happy children chasing the moon

Now we can all more or less understand this idea, but it is more difficult for us to respect these situations where suddenly we erect this “adultism” where we stop being close and empathetic towards the world of children. We invite you to think about it.

The rebellious child and the “supposed” bad mother

We are sure that more than one mother will have experienced the following situation. Being in a public space and suddenly our child starts to cry. Soon all eyes are fixed on us with annoyance, as if we are not fulfilling our role as mothers.

This has recently been denounced with assiduity on social networks and other means of communication. We can recall, for example, two interesting stories that serve to contextualize the idea of ​​“child phobia”.

Critical and incomprehensible situations

Sarah Blackwood is a well-known Canadian singer who two years ago experienced one of the most embarrassing moments of her life. She was scheduled to fly to Vancouver, 7 months pregnant, and was traveling with her 23 month old son.

  • The plane had not yet taken off when her son started to cry. The passengers then started looking at her and whispering. It didn’t take long for her to hear the usual phrase: “ mothers don’t know how to take care of their children these days ”.
  • The hostess then appeared, telling her to calm her son down, otherwise they would be forced to get them off the plane. She was disturbing the flight.
  • Sarah Blackwood was terrified of this popular reaction, by the lack of sensitivity and understanding of what childhood is. Her son took less than 10 minutes to calm down and remained calm until the landing. However, those 10 minutes were enough to despair an entire plane.

    Happy kids

    • The same happened to another young woman, who posted her story on the “Love What Matters” portal. She also had to travel by plane, and her slightly unruly baby started to cry in the middle of the flight. Critics, criticisms and comments quickly flooded the plane.
    • The young mother entered a state of anguish which aggravated the situation until suddenly a “good soul” appeared. An older man approached her, and in a low voice said the magic words “don’t worry, you are a good mother.”

    Then she started distracting her baby, talking to her and showing her pictures on her tablet. It was wonderful. At least that person understood childhood, a child’s needs, the importance of affection, patience and closeness .

    Childhood phobia about “family friendly”

    A child who is unruly, who explores, who looks, who is happy, who sometimes laughs, who sometimes cries is above all a happy child who discovers the world.

    All of these uncomfortable situations mentioned above almost invites us to deduce that there are people who have a very bad idea of ​​what education is.

    A happy child needs to interact with us

    • If a child cries, it is because he needs something from his mother. Children who are raised in orphanages often stop crying because they realize that they will not always be looked after.
    • An unruly and restless child is not the result of permissive or reckless parenting. Each child is unique and has their own personality.

      A boy, a girl, is not a miniature adult. They need to interact with us and with the environment around them. Tomorrow, they will have time to be quiet and to be adults. Until then, it is necessary to respect this wonderful stage: childhood.

      “Family Friendly” places

      Faced with the growing fashion for “prohibited minors”, the scales have balanced out to respond to families who, almost without knowing how, have been refused entry to certain places.

      • Now we can find fun offers under the motto “Family Friendly” to eat or spend your holidays with the children in places and hotels specially designed for them.
      • The real clients are the children, and in every corner you can feel the sensitivity of the real professionals who understand the children.
      • All the spaces are suitable for children: high chairs, colored cups, changing tables, stimulating games… Silence is prohibited and they are allowed to be themselves at all times.

      Because growing up in joy, happiness and respect is something wonderful. This is something we should be promoting.

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