Evacuation: The Importance Of Not Holding Back Or Delaying It – Being Parents

Evacuation: the importance of not holding back or delaying it

Evacuation is the body’s natural mechanism to remove fecal matter. The latter is the product of all wastes in the body.

Any alteration in this process  could have serious short and long term consequences  on the digestive system. A thorough knowledge of the subject will help you avoid this bad habit. You will be able to act as soon as the organization requires you to.

Restraining the drain is one of the mechanisms employed to prevent the use of public or other toilets than those in the house. To fight against this habit, it is essential to know the importance of evacuation for the health of the body.

Consequences of a delayed evacuation

Although delaying the evacuation  might seem harmless,  it is a truly dangerous act for the body. This is because once the waste is expelled, the digestive tract prepares for further digestion. Hence the importance of respecting this process.

Here are some consequences of not following this process.

Inability to absorb nutrients

The small intestine is in charge of the nutrient absorption mechanism. Holding back or delaying the evacuation could thus paralyze the intestines. This would result in the difficulty of absorbing the nutrients necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Painful evacuation

Refraining from going to the toilet  causes water to be retained  in the stool by the small intestine. This generates a hard or rough fecal matter. Therefore, evacuation is very painful.

Also, over time, it could lead to complications such as hemorrhoids – causing even more pain in the stool.

Abdominal distension

Another consequence of delaying the act of defecating is  the accumulation of gas in the intestine. During their decomposition, these substances release large quantities of gases which could weaken the intestinal flora.

This causes the body to be vulnerable to attacks from harmful bacteria.


The urge to defecate  is a complex process. During it, the nerve endings are involved and hence the need is indicated.

Constipation, a consequence of delayed bowel movements

The frequent habit of delaying evacuation means that over time this impulse is lost. This then results in a heavy, lazy and weak colon to pass stool. In other words, it is constipation.

In addition,  constipation causes disorders  such as hemorrhoids, irritable bowel and other disorders that affect the quality of life. It is also responsible for obesity, fluid retention and other pathologies.


One of the complications of long-term delayed evacuation is diverticulitis. This disorder manifests as small hernias on the intestinal wall that become infected or become inflamed.

They appear with  the hardening of the stool, in connection with the effort made to have a bowel movement.


Another of the long term consequences is sepsis. The latter is caused when stools remain in the rectum for a long time. They can thus pass into the blood stream. This disease can be fatal.

Why is it important to evacuate every day?

That is why, by consuming foods rich in fiber, it is natural for the body to flush them out at frequent intervals.

Regarding the frequency, specialists agree that  the norm is to evacuate twice a day, at least. This action demonstrates the good health of an organism’s digestive system.

In addition, it promotes the expulsion of loose stools without intense odors. This is all the more important during pregnancy.

Consume foods rich in fiber

Recommendations for a good evacuation

For proper functioning of the body, it is essential to follow the following recommendations:

  • Eat  foods high in fiber. Supplement your diet with fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
  • Exercise regularly. This will help the nervous system and regulate the evacuation.
  • Avoid stress.
  • Drink at least two liters of water  a day to maintain proper hydration.

If you notice that these tips do not help you regain a normal evacuation,  see your doctor  for a diagnosis in time.

Understanding the importance of frequent evacuation is essential. Indeed, in addition to maintaining a clean digestive system, it contributes to optimal health.

Make sure you maintain discipline in your health. This will prevent you from suffering from multiple diseases in your digestive system.

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