Family Problems Could Leave Their Mark During Pregnancy – Being Parents

Family problems could leave their mark during pregnancy

Arguments or heated discussions in the family can often leave consequences. In the case of pregnancy, this situation could be detrimental.

Therefore, one should stay away from constant problems. Avoiding emotional ups and downs during pregnancy could be of great benefit to both baby and mother.

Often times, problems can be avoided. But sometimes the problems are beyond us whether we are pregnant or not. While it is recommended to stay away from anything that could affect our pregnancy, it is not always possible.

Sometimes the economic situation or the couple’s disagreements are constant. But it is something that could affect us more than we realize and leave consequences. If we are expecting a baby, it is advisable to maintain emotional balance as much as possible.

Family problems could leave their mark

How Do Family Problems Affect Pregnancy?

The moment we feel overwhelmed by family issues can be risky for our health depending on the context in which we live. However, sometimes it does not go beyond mere annoyance that does not seriously affect us.

In the case of pregnant women, there could be sequelae beyond the moment, as the health and stability of the baby is conditioned on the well-being of the mother.

Stressful situations can harm people in every sense of the word. In the case of pregnant women any alteration due to constant arguments or dissatisfaction can cause serious hormonal alterations.

Any hormonal imbalance can affect the fetus in its physical and mental system. Conditions can manifest themselves in different ways. For example, they can cause premature labor or leave visible sequelae after birth and in their future life.

Among the main consequences of family problems experienced during pregnancy we have:

  • The hormonal level and the nerves of the pregnant woman can cause early childbirth. Due to an increase in blood pressure which in turn causes developmental problems for the baby. Usually, this situation causes alterations in the placenta. This explains why the risk to the fetus is high and preterm labor is induced.
  • When arguments are constant and family stressful situations arise throughout pregnancy, the baby begins to be affected constantly as well. Which could slow down the development of the fetus, as this is a condition related to depression problems in the mother, a possible effect of frequent problems.

    Family problems could leave their mark

    • A baby who, during the pregnancy, suffered from the mother’s depression, stress or family problems. He may be born with a low weight. This as a product of hormonal alterations caused by emotional difficulties during pregnancy.

    Other after-effects:

    • The baby’s brain development can also be affected by sudden changes in the emotions of the pregnant woman. Both stressful episodes and constant hormonal imbalance issues.
    • Sometimes the behavioral problems of the child were caused during the pregnancy . Behavior can be affected by the emotional ups and downs of the expectant mother. Which can be observed in the first two years of a child’s life.
    • With very high stress and chronic emotional issues, the mother might even have an abortion. Fetal death is one of the most serious consequences of pregnancy where problems are common.
    • Childhood obesity is a sequel to the future. It is also linked to hormonal imbalances during pregnancy when there are disturbances and high levels of stress. As we know, childhood obesity can often be a trigger for obesity in adulthood or other eating disorders.
    • Due to the slow prenatal development, children can suffer from asthma and other lung conditions. It is estimated that at least 13% of babies whose mothers have had pregnancies with high stress levels have asthma at birth and during childhood.

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