Having A Child Is The Way The Universe Has To Show Us The Beauty Of Life – Parenthood

Life comes in many colors and shapes, but the one that is most enjoyable for a father or mother is reflected in the mischievous eyes of their children, through the music of their smiles, their wavy hair and that laughter that adorns our soul of joys and hopes. Because life is better with a child …

Jose Saramago said that a child is a being who gives us a crash course in how to love someone other than ourselves. He explained, on the other hand, that few acts require so much courage, because every day we have to face the uncertainty of whether we are acting the right way, whether we have been wrong about something. thing, on any little aspect that can harm a loved and precious one.

It is as if love and fear are always the face of the same coin. Illusion and uncertainty always go hand in hand and this is something that is experienced more intensely during the raising of a child. However, and this should be clear, fear is healthy. We cannot forget that fear is genetically locked in our brain for a very specific reason: to survive better, to anticipate risks and thus to guarantee our well-being and that of our loved ones.

Worry comes naturally when you know what is most beautiful in your life. Below, we invite you to reflect on this treasure that acts as your engine, day after day.

You are my gift, you give meaning to life

Family reunited with one child

These days, blogs of famous personalities (actresses, singers, journalists, etc.) who talk about motherhood, their daily adventures and their original advice, are very much in fashion. There is no shortage of those who, without censorship, talk about the difficulty of this stage and how much they regret these days when, they had less responsibilities, had their time as they wished, slept as much as they wanted. wanted and could make decisions quickly without having to depend on anything or anyone.

  • So if we reflect on these comments, we realize that there are always those who like to place the lines between before and after. Between the era “with children” and this new stage “with children”. In addition, we could also place another between the time when we had no partner and when we are in a strong relationship.
  • It’s not about thinking about what was better or worse, but what each moment of our life brings to us.
  • We must understand that life is a cycle where we must learn to continue to grow, flourish and enjoy whatever we find on our daily path to happiness.

Let us understand that in turn, a child marks a key moment in our life cycle. It is a period in which every man and woman should relaunch, reinterpret and surpass themselves as a person to make the most of themselves, their noblest, most responsible and most essential essence. worthy.

Do not look back, this freedom from the past, the mature person will put all his emphasis on the present, on “here and now” where each word, each caress, each act takes on essential importance.

The world will always be more beautiful by your side

The world will always be more beautiful by your side

Your child can be a long sought-after gift of life. Maybe even a rainbow child, a renewed hope after losing your little star. It is also possible that your child has arrived unexpectedly, unexpectedly and at the most difficult time. However, the uncertainties are now blurry and diluted in the waters of yesterday, because you have discovered that it is the best thing that has happened on the precious island of your present. You have never been happier.

Children reach our arms in different ways. Sometimes in the company of the best couple in the world, other times they face this adventure in solitude. However, anyway, you understand that life has taken on another color, now everything is more intense, noisier, funny, chaotic in an instant … Now everything is immensely fleeting. Time flies very quickly and your child grows second by second and sometimes fills you with fears, fears and worries …

Let us recall here again, the words of José Saramago:

“The day will come when we lose our children… But lose? How? ‘Or’ What ? No, our children are not ours. They were just a loan… the most precious and wonderful loan, for they are ours only when they are helpless. They belong to life, fate and their own families. May life always bless our children, for it has already blessed us with their presence. “

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