Health Recommendations Against The Coronavirus For Children – Being Parents

The coronavirus is the virus that feeds all fears and has interrupted normal life in some countries. Thousands of cases have been reported around the world. In this article, we present you some general data and some health recommendations against coronaviruses for the youngest in the house.

Health recommendations against the coronavirus

What is the coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that commonly affect animals. Within this family there are many different types. Some of them can mutate and end up infecting people.

This is the case with the SARS-CoV-2 strain. This strain was first detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. Since then, its ease of spread has led to a dramatic increase in the number of cases worldwide.

What are the symptoms it produces?

For most people who are infected, the coronavirus is spread as an asymptomatic infection – that is, the person does not have any signs that make us think they are sick. Most often, especially in children, it produces mild, nonspecific symptoms, such as a cold.

Prévention contre le coronavirus
Source: Diario Enfermero

The symptoms are primarily a dry cough, fever and difficulty breathing. But the virus can also cause muscle pain, fatigue, and general discomfort.

However, this is not always the case. In a minority of cases, this virus can cause pneumonia or even death from respiratory failure. These cases mainly occur in susceptible populations, such as the elderly, or with depressed immune systems.

How is the coronavirus transmitted?

The virus is transmitted between people through small particles that travel through the air. When an infected person coughs or sneezes, these particles come out and can travel 1 to 2 meters. The virus can be transmitted even when the infected person has no symptoms.

These particles can be left on everyday items such as tables, doorknobs, etc. or fall directly on someone. When a person who is not infected touches an infected object and then touches their eyes, nose or mouth, the virus can enter them.

Can the coronavirus be treated?

Although there is not yet a specific cure for this virus, some antivirals seem to work, especially for severe cases. They are currently being tested.

The treatment, moreover, will be that of the symptoms. The affected person will be treated with pain relievers and fever medication, if necessary.

You have to take into account that this is a virus, so antibiotics will never work, and it is a bad thing to use them for prevention or for treatment.

How to avoid getting infected?

These recommendations are useful for the children of the house, as well as for adults. The prevention of contagion will depend on the precautionary and hygiene measures we take. Some measures that should be implemented are:

  • When you cough and sneeze, cover your nose and mouth with your elbow.
  • Avoid touching your mouth, nose and eyes all the time.
  • Use disposable tissues and throw them away after each use.
  • Finally, the most important measure is hand hygiene.

Coronavirus health recommendations: why is hand hygiene so important?

The hands are the part of the body that we constantly use for everything. With them, we touch different objects, people and ourselves, so they are the most frequent means of transmission.

Recommandations pour se laver les mains
Source: Ministry of Health. Government of Spain.

Hand washing is essential to reduce the risk of infection. It is necessary for all of us to wash our hands several times a day, especially after certain situations such as:

  • Before and after going to the bathroom.
  • After sneezing, coughing or blowing your nose.
  • After contact with a person who sneezes or coughs.
  • When you touch public objects such as parts of the metro or bus.
  • Before eating.

It is important to wash your hands at the right time and to rub your fingers, back and palm with soap and water, so that no areas are left dirty. If so, the process should be repeated. Finally, we will dry our hands with a disposable towel.

Therefore, with regard to the health recommendations against coronaviruses …

It is fundamental to instill them in our children so that they can apply it in their daily life and they too act actively and correctly. Of course, we will also need to encourage them to report any symptoms they may notice to an adult so that the necessary action can be taken.

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