Household Chores According To The Age Of The Child – Being Parents

The little one will be given certain responsibilities according to his age. In addition, it will be made very clear to him that he has to perform these household chores.

The child begins to have responsibilities

It is always good to motivate and explain to the child why he should help, emphasizing the importance of the work assigned to him. In this way, he will surely take these tasks with pleasure.

In addition, in terms of positive effects, his self-esteem will be strengthened and he will feel that it is important and necessary for the family.

At the same time, he will learn to value work. He will realize that household chores are not done by magic, but require effort. In addition, he will learn the benefits of collaboration.

All the members of this “family team” work together to make their homes cleaner, tidier and more pleasant.

The conditions to be taken into account when involving the child in household chores

  • It is important to choose the tasks that will be assigned to the child, according to his age and personal conditions. You have to hold him accountable for actions that he can really do. The idea is that, in addition to collaborating with the family, the child feels stimulated and fulfilled. If a very small child is given tasks that they cannot complete, they will become frustrated, lose confidence in themselves, and will not want to try again.
  • The adult’s patience must accompany the whole process of incorporating the child into the chores of the house. If he can’t do something for lack of attention or skill, don’t criticize or scold him. On the contrary, stimulation and demonstration of how to do it is the way to go. “Look, this way you’ll do it better,” mom or dad will tell him, while showing him how to improve his results.

    What household chores for what age?

    First and foremost, choosing the appropriate household chores for each age and for each child is the fundamental part of this process. Each task requires certain skills, so the child can perform them as they develop.

    Below, we have for you a guide of activities adapted to different ages:

    2 and 3 years


    • Sort their toys. In the beginning, a good strategy would be to accompany the task with a short song. For example, the famous song “Put away, put away, put away, the toys in their place”. You can do the same for story books.
    • Eat on your own. First, appropriate cutlery will be chosen to prevent injury. It is also convenient to start with a plastic spoon. Then the fork will be incorporated. Even if the food ends up on the table, the floor or the clothes, it is important to have patience for him to acquire this habit.
    • Putting away his clothes, for example, picking up those he left on the floor in the bedroom or house and putting them in the closet.
    • Watering plants is a task that children enjoy and can do at this age.
    • Pick up debris from the ground and put in the trash such as paper or cardboard.

    4 and 5 years

    • He will assume almost all the tasks of his personal hygiene. He can wash his body with a sponge, guided by his mom or dad, choose his clothes and get dressed.
    • Go to the bathroom on your own. He will probably have stopped putting on diapers and this will encourage him to go to the bathroom on his own.
    • Set the table. This is a good opportunity to show him the right place for each utensil.
    • Feed domestic animals.
    • Help wash and dry dishes.

    6 to 9 years old

    • Bathing on your own. He no longer needs the presence of mom or dad.
    • Make his bed. Organize your work table and prepare your school supplies.
    • Vacuum and dust the furniture.
    • Prepare a simple dish, such as a sandwich.

    10 to 12 years old


    • Clean his room and the other rooms of the house.
    • Take the pet for a walk.
    • Hang out the laundry that has been washed.
    • Answer the phone responsibly.

    From 12 years old

    • To iron the clothes.
    • Sew on buttons.
    • Take care of the garden.
    • Take care of his brother or sister.
    • Go shopping.

    It is also important to avoid associating household chores with punishment. “If you don’t obey, you’re going to have to sweep the dining room all week.” Rather, he will be shown that all tasks are important and necessary. The idea is to instill in him that collaboration is a rule of coexistence at home and in life.

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