How To Decorate Your Feng Shui Home? – Being Parents

How to decorate your Feng Shui home?

You have certainly heard of Feng Shui before. This is an ancestral Chinese method that suggests adapting our surroundings to promote our harmony. If you want to learn more about Feng Shui decoration, continue reading our article.

Feng Shui is a comprehensive method. It incorporates all the aspects that we can consider to decorate the interior. From the space of our furniture and the color of the walls to the luminosity and proximity of the mirrors to the objects.

Many see it almost as a religious practice. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Feng Shui doesn’t require you to light candles, but you can if you want to.

Tips for decorating Feng Shui

1. Cleanliness

Feng Shui emphasizes the flow of energy. If at home, you have several elements that prevent this circulation, you must get rid of them.

How do you know which elements it is? It’s simple: start with the things you never use. You don’t have to throw them away, you can just put them in places you won’t see them anymore.

Order is a key element in achieving balance and harmony. So, you have to let go of anything that can make you feel out of place.

2. Light as a source of energy

For this school of thought, natural light is the main source of energy. Therefore, you have to rely on windows, doors and curtains to let in sunlight.

Likewise, it is essential to put lamps, candles and other items that prevent darkness at night. Darkness is reserved for the time of rest when all the lights in the room must be turned off.

Double room for children

3. The bedroom is synonymous with rest

As we said in the previous point, you must remove anything from your room that may interfere with your rest. That is to say: television, computer, laptop, etc.

If for some reason you need your phone handy overnight, don’t leave it on the nightstand.

Instead of using the phone, use a good old fashioned alarm clock. They will wake you up in the same way, but it has the advantage of not emitting an electromagnetic wave.

There are also some recommendations regarding the bed. For example, it should be installed diagonally and opposite the doorway and preferably has a headboard – the larger the better. There should also be no window behind the bed.

4. Colors

Those who know Feng Shui decoration say that it is better to go for light colors like pastels. This is due to the fact that they go better with several decorative choices. In addition, the bright tones generate an overload which can become annoying in the long run.

Of course, you’ll also need to use dark or bright colors, but it’s easier to accommodate them with a relaxing vibe offered by pastel walls.

Another advantage of walls in these colors is that they reflect light better.

However, certain factors can affect this advantage, such as the use of the part.

5. The living room, a place of socialization

Regarding the place where we meet with family and friends, the armchairs are the protagonists of this room. Therefore, it is better to place them at an angle than facing each other. Thus, communication remains fluid.

Likewise, the fire of a candle or a fireplace is always welcome. You can also add frames.

According to Feng Shui, the function of fire is to develop emotions between people.

6. The privacy of the bathroom

A fundamental aspect of this part of the house is that it should never be in the field of vision, from the entrance or the living room for example. This undermines the privacy of the person using it.

Likewise, keep this room tidy. Hide anything that can break the harmony like perfumes, creams and other items.

7. The front door

The entrance should also be harmonious and beautiful. We are thinking of a nice piece of furniture or a nice decoration and a few plants.

Remember this entry is your first impression when you get home. It’s also the first thing your visitors see. So make sure it is always tidy and the passage is easy.

Finally, it should be noted that Feng Shui does not establish mandatory or inflexible rule. On the contrary, it is possible to adapt the modifications to your needs and the peculiarities of each room.

If you decide to decorate according to Feng Shui principles, you will notice changes in your morale in the short term.

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