Playing With Clay Stimulates And Makes Children Happier – Being Parents

Playing with clay stimulates and makes children happier

Playing with clay is a stimulating and fun experience that every child should know. Who has never done it? Many of us surely remember the days when we were little and when we played with clay. When we handle the earth, our mood improves. Indeed, children who play with it are happier.

Touching clay, its texture, freshness…, not only stimulates the senses of the little one, but also his emotions. It gives them an appeasement, a feeling of relaxation as well as a feeling of happiness.

In addition, children are little specialists in the land. As soon as they see wet earth, they run to touch it and play with it. Leave it to them, they will then be more fulfilled!

Encourage children to play with clay

Handling the earth has enormous benefits for the little ones. Every parent should know this. By its texture, its smell, its humidity,  it is a material that provides an incredible sensory experience.

An adult and a child playing with clay.

It must also be said that there are children who have trouble getting dirty and touching clay. We must therefore respect the rhythms and times of each one because  the threshold of sensory stimulation varies from one child to another. You have to be patient to foster this experience until the child really enjoys it.

Playing with clay makes children happier

In an interview, the Italian pedagogue Francesco Tonucci declares that  “the earth is the prince of toys”,  since it is nothing and can be everything. It is indeed a natural material that can be used at any time of the year. Although the best time to enjoy it is the summer season because the heat and the need to cool off make the experience even richer.

The health benefits

Recent research has shown that  playing with the earth improves the immune system and may even prevent future allergies. 

Indeed, scientists have discovered that the sludge contains some bacteria ( Mycobacterium vaccae ) which are not pathogenic and which are responsible for reducing stress and anxiety. Thus increasing the feeling of well-being and happiness. This sensory experience will then help children grow up healthy.

Here are some of the benefits of playing with clay:

  • Better learning: the serotonin secreted when children are happy allows them to concentrate more easily and therefore to learn better.
  • Reduction of allergies:  the immune system is strengthened. The latter needs to work, and if the little ones are always kept away from germs, the immune system will react to other substances that are not bacteria, such as pollen, fruit, etc.
  • Reduced asthma levels.
  • Increase in vitamin D in the body: playing with soil in the open air provides this precious vitamin from the sun.

Ideas for games with clay

The earth can turn into a million things if we let children play with it. In addition to the sensory part, it promotes other skills such as motor, cognitive and linguistic abilities. While stimulating creativity. Let’s see some games to practice.

The great clay tower

The clay stimulates each of the senses, the smell, the sound (this noise so particular during handling), this wet and fresh texture… You can play to create the largest tower of mud. How? ‘Or’ What ? By stacking earthenware pies to raise the tower. This activity is really fun and stimulating for children.

Children's hands handling soil.

The kitchen

This activity is a classic. How many children have fun baking clay cakes?

It is possible to make cakes by taking advantage of the plants, flowers and stones that are found in nature. Children often invent their own recipes and thus work on creativity and concentration. For this, nature can be the best play environment for our children.

Clay figures

As we mentioned, clay offers a multitude of uses. For example, creating characters. With the characters they create themselves, as well as the other games,  children can invent their own miniature world.

Playing with clay, an experience that makes children happier

It is obvious that  playing with mud is beneficial for children. So we must let them touch, manipulate, stain and enjoy the wonderful experience that the earth gives them.

Finally, clay will give them a feeling of freedom because they can achieve a thousand things, integrate a  multitude of learning through the experience and the creation of happy and unforgettable memories. So let’s play with clay and take advantage of its incredible benefits for fun!

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