Self-esteem Dynamics To Achieve In Class – Being Parents

Self-esteem dynamics to be achieved in the classroom

Children can change their attitudes and emotions when they start to socialize at school. Especially today when school bullying is a subject of permanent debate.

Many children may end up losing self-confidence. That is why it is necessary to strengthen it. What better way to do this than by performing Kids Self Esteem Dynamics?

Children may feel intimidated or cranky  when they are suffering from depression and low self-esteem. The lack of security can make them go through very strong emotional changes, and no doubt, no parent wants that for their children.

Below we will compile a list with several self-esteem dynamics for children to achieve at home or in class with classmates. Their goal will be to encourage children and restore their self-esteem and energy to the maximum.

5 self-esteem dynamics to achieve in the classroom

It is important that teachers can keep children motivated and energized in the classroom. Thus, they participate correctly in the activities that develop in the classroom.

    1. The hot chair

      The dynamic is when a child sits on a chair. The rest of the children walk in front of the chair. When the teacher indicates it, a pupil stops in front of the seated child and must say something to him that pleases him. Although they may feel a little uncomfortable or even blush, children will come out happy. And most importantly, proud of the positive things that have been said to them.

    2. The hidden treasure chest

      The activity consists of the teacher hiding a mirror in a safe. Then he will call a student individually to open the chest. Children will not be able to communicate or see what the student chosen by the teacher is doing. When they have all passed, he will tell them  that they are the treasures. Indeed, each one is unique and unmatched.

      A mother encourages her son

    3. The guessing circle

      In this dynamic, the children will have to sit in a circle. They should take a sheet of paper and a pencil and  write three positive characteristics that challenge the comrade on the right. Then they will put the folded paper in a bag and each will pick a paper. According to the three attributes written on it, the child will have to become who that person is.

    4. Mimes

      Each child will have to think of an activity at which he is good. Then, the teacher will name each student to mime it in front of his classmates. They will have to become what it is.

    5. Statues

      For this activity, the teacher must have a radio or sound equipment. The dynamic consists of calling each student and inviting them to dance in front of their classmates.

      The teacher will turn off the music at some point and the child should be still like a statue. At this point, he should represent an emotion on his face with a gesture. Comrades must become who it is.

self-esteem dynamics

Self-esteem activities for the home

The best way to improve children’s self-esteem is to do it at home. When they have had a bad day, all they want is to take the load off and feel better with their loved ones.

That is why it is  important that parents give them some time at home. When they are feeling unconfident, it is essential to show them love and inject them with a dose of self-esteem with the dynamics mentioned above.

Autonomy dose

In these moments of lack of self-confidence, it  is best if the parents let him do a different activity. Something he has wanted to do for a long time and has to do on his own.

For example, if the child feels able to shower or dress on their own, it is time to empower them. Independence gives them a lot of confidence and confidence to keep learning.

Reading before sleeping

Much like in the movies, having parents read a story to their children before sleep improves their mood.

Thus, children fall asleep thinking about something positive and safe. This process would clearly be an excellent complement to the dynamics of self-esteem.

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