Sugar In Children: Its Impact On Behavior? – Being Parents

Sugar in children: its impact on behavior?

We’ve all gone to a birthday party with our kids. They arrive with exemplary discipline. However, once they eat a sugary treat, their minds and behavior change. Sugar in children  makes them restless and gives them boundless energy.

Although it hasn’t been verified, some parents are choosing to throw  birthday parties without sugary drinks or treats. Instead of the latter, they offer water and sandwiches of sandwich bread with other types of preparations.

However, no study has shown that sugar changes their behavior. These are widely held assumptions. It is logical to assume that there may be children who are allergic to refined sugar or who exhibit behaviors that indicate excess sugar in the blood.

What do the specialists say?

The World Health Organization (WHO) is silent on the dangers of excessive sugar consumption. She nevertheless suggests that consumption in children  should not exceed 37 grams per day. On a 1750 calorie diet, this would represent about 7 teaspoons of sugar per day.

The recommendation aims above all to  prevent excessive consumption of sugar in children from causing serious health problems. These can become chronic once they reach adulthood.

It is assumed that the consumption of sugar  is as addictive as that of cocaine and other drugs. This means that the more sugar you consume, the more the body gets used to this seemingly harmless substance. If not taken, one may experience headaches, dizziness, anxiety and fatigue.

A child in front of a glass of soda and its sugar equivalent

Problems With Sugar Concentration In Children

Diseases that excessive sugar consumption can cause include  impaired metabolism, heart, and teeth, among others. Next, we will list some of the problems due to sugar consumption in children.

  • Cholesterol and triglyceride levels increase.
  • The obesity rate increases in children, due to the calorie intake of sugar. This is one of the main concerns in developed countries. The WHO has thus shown its concern by considering it as an epidemic.
  • Obesity can cause heart problems. Indeed,  it increases blood pressure.
  • It can also cause diabetes. It is the second most common chronic disease in children.
  • Sugar, as an additive to juices and other drinks, does not contain any nutritional value. It does not contain any  minerals or vitamins. It is therefore a diet that can not be less healthy that helps to eradicate hunger and reduce the consumption of other foods.
  • It has a negative impact on the pancreas.
  • The  dental caries  appear.
  • It also causes hyperactivity,  anxiety and in some cases depression.
  • Hyperactivity in children affects their concentration at school. His academic performance thus drops considerably.

What has just been exposed means that when sugar is consumed excessively,  we at times feel more awake, more active, and in a way, more energized. The difference with children is that it increases their activity level.

Nevertheless, the specialist Raquel Perez de Leon indicates that, the blood sugar level rises and then falls again. We know this famous “coup de barre” under the term hypoglycemia.

It’s also important to explain that consuming too much sugar can cause  distraction in any situation,  including school. It can also lead to problems with sleep, cognitive delay, and being overweight.

A girl eats donuts

What do we suggest to parents?

The ideal recommendation is that children  consume the necessary and recommended amounts divided into portions throughout the day. But not in treats, if not as an integral part of their diet.

There are doubts whether or not to allow them to consume sugar. The answer is simple and straightforward. Yes, they can consume it but in a controlled way and avoiding excess at all costs.

Most foods, and fruits in particular,  contain good amounts of sugar. It is important to stress that good habits taken in childhood will translate into healthy routines in adulthood. In other words, there will be no problems with overweight or diabetes, etc.

In conclusion, we can say that all organisms are not equal. This is why reactions to sugar consumption vary from person to person. Some assimilate them easily while others note a spike and drop in sugar. It is essential to maintain balance.

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