Sun Protection For Moles And Freckles – You Are Mom

Sun protection for moles and freckles

When the sunny days arrive, it is essential to use sun protection, because exposure to the sun is even more direct. In cases where the skin tends to develop moles and freckles, this protection is more than needed. Indeed, dermatologists recommend increasing the protection index about two months before the holidays, to prevent. What is the right protection for moles and freckles?

Protection against the sun is a benefit, more than an additional task. This is why it is important to give it the priority it deserves. The skin is the most extensive organ in the body. Thus, taking care of it not only helps your health, but also your well-being, every day, whether you are at the beach, in the mountains or in the swimming pool.

Freckles and moles

Freckles and moles

When the melanocytes are damaged, freckles and moles appear. Thus, these spots can be benign or malignant and their extension can change. In general, they have a darker pigmentation than the skin tone, so they are easy to find. For example, in people with white skin, these spots have a brown color.

Also, there are some differences between freckles and moles, it is worth knowing about them:

  • Moles may have relief and hairs.

  • Freckles do not have any type of relief or hair.

  • The size of moles can increase over time.

  • Freckles are more numerous during the summer, because exposure to the sun is major. On the other hand, during the winter, they tend to diminish or even disappear, as the case may be.

Freckles like moles can appear from lack of sun protection and prolonged exposure. Also, they can appear because of genetic factors. When you notice a significant change in a mole or freckles, it is important to see a dermatologist to assess the situation and receive skin care advice.

The importance of sun protection

Using sun protection every day is one of the best things you can do to prevent the sun from leaving unwanted lines on the skin. Remember that we are exposed to ultraviolet rays all year round, and not just for a certain period of time.

On the other hand, dermatologists recommend exposing the skin to the sun gradually during the summer. In other words, do not try to tan in one day, but rather expose yourself several times, for short periods of time, to the sun, until you achieve the desired tan. Of course, you should always use a good sun protection factor as well as appropriate clothing (hat and sunglasses).

Other products for moles and freckles

A woman applying sunscreen.

The dermatologist is the person indicated to recommend or not the use of other products for the care of moles and freckles, as the case may be. However, it is best to use neutral moisturizers. And to avoid certain products which can participate in the production of stains.

In addition, let us emphasize that, even if many home remedies promise to eliminate all types of spots (even freckles), it is necessary to be very careful. Because they have a “rebound” effect. which has serious consequences for the skin.

For example, remedies that contain lemon juice manage to lighten the skin, but you must then wash it very well, and not expose yourself to the sun in a direct way under any circumstances. Indeed, the stain would become even more accentuated and could even get worse.

As for cosmetics, many of them already have protective factors incorporated in them, so it is worth including them in our routine. Of course, this should not exclude the use of daily sun protection.

Moles and freckles in children

Children’s skin needs to be perfectly protected from the sun’s rays to prevent the appearance of moles and freckles. Here, we are mainly talking about moles. This is because many of them can gradually increase in size until they become a real problem later on. Once a mole appears and begins to grow, a dermatologist should be called in.

If there is a health risk, the dermatologist will indicate the removal of moles through various types of technologies. The most used is the laser, because its action is painless, immediate and rather effective.

Avoid overexposing yourself to the sun and be careful to put sunscreen on children at regular intervals. Especially if they are in contact with the aquatic environment such as the sea, a lake or the swimming pool. Finally, even if the product indicates that it is water resistant, do not trust this and apply it every 2–3 hours.

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