The Fifth Week Of Pregnancy – Being Parents

The fifth week of pregnancy

By the fifth week of pregnancy, symptoms begin to appear. After carrying out the pregnancy test -and a positive result, we must consult the doctor. Besides verifying the good news reliably,  it will notify us of any exams that we will have to pass.

Blood and urine tests – in addition to several ultrasounds – will be used to monitor the developing fetus. If the pregnant woman is over 35,  we may need to do some more specific exams, such as amniocentesis.

This type of verification does not exclude a risk. These are nevertheless voluntary. If a pregnant woman does not wish to submit to it, no one will force her to do so. However, it is recommended to be able to detect certain abnormalities, such as trisomy 21.

What happens in the fifth week of pregnancy?

In the fifth week of pregnancy, we can already say with certainty that we are going to have a baby. The embryo measures between 1.5 and 2.5 mm. Its shape begins to resemble a “C”. Her body will soon begin to define itself. You will be able to appreciate the changes in your body thanks to ultrasounds.

This phase is called the “trilaminar period”. It owes its name to the process of gastrulation.  This is the stage of germ cell formation. These will form the ectoderm, endoderm and mesoderm. Each layer has a fundamental and specific function.

The ectoderm will take care of forming the central nervous system. The endoderm, meanwhile, will be responsible for the pancreas, liver, intestines and thyroid glands. Finally, the mesoderm will form the bones, muscles and the blood system. 

A woman massages her stomach

In the fifth week,  the foundations of fetal development are cemented. With the end of gastrulation, some mesodermal cells will be responsible for the formation of blood vessels which will in turn form the chorionic villi.

These blood vessels  create a connection with the embryo  through  the umbilical vessels.  Communication between the fetus and the placenta is finally established. This allows the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

First signs of the heart

In turn, the embryonic tissue begins to show a small bump: this is the heart. The baby sits between two protective membranes. These form the vitelin sac. Its structure will create blood cells.

During this time, the  neural tube begins to expand to create the frontal part of the brain. Blocks of tissue are born on both sides. These will be at the origin of the muscles. Likewise, the neural crest will give rise to the meninges and adrenal glands.

When should I start to change my habits?

If your habits are affecting you and your baby’s health, you need to get rid of them now. Alcohol, tobacco and drinks with caffeine are prohibited during pregnancy. Try replacing them with homemade juices, non-theine herbal teas, or just water.

A woman breaks a cigarette in half

It is recommended that you continue to exercise and stay in shape. Remember that pregnancy is not an illness. Nothing will happen to the baby if you are careful. Avoid exercises that are too strenuous or require sudden movements.

Pre-natal yoga and swimming are beneficial sports for the muscles and the spine, in addition to improving our breathing. Likewise, strolling and walking will be great for relaxing.

Also remember the importance of going to all your appointments with the gynecologist. This is the only way to be sure the baby is developing normally and that there are no problems.

Don’t have to ask your doctor any questions that bother you  about pregnancy and childbirth.

Many first-time mothers fear the timing of childbirth. Do not be ashamed. It is a natural process that most women go through or have gone through. Don’t think that no one understands you.

When you have your baby in your arms, you will realize that it was worth it.

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