The Love Of Your Life Will Come In Nine Months – Parenthood

The love of your life will come in nine months

Surely you have heard that the feelings you have for your children are totally different from anything you have experienced before.  At the start of your pregnancy, you have nine months to wait to prepare for the arrival of the love of your life. This child will change your life forever. It will make you experience emotions that you never imagined.

When your baby is born, you will understand that there is nothing more important than him. At that precise moment, and every time you look into his eyes, you will feel total happiness. His gaze will provoke in you feelings of peace, purity and unconditional love.

A child immediately becomes the love of your life because the bond between you is exceptional. Indeed, you gave him life. You gave her a place to grow up before venturing out into the world. Although he cannot express it to you, he is aware of it. This is why he will want you to be near him forever.

Breastfeeding, touching your skin, and hearing your voice – the same voice he listened to all those months in your womb – will only strengthen this unique bond. You may have doubts and fears on the way. This is perfectly normal.

Over time, you will understand that the arrival of your little one was the best gift life could have given you. It is the most beautiful sacrifice, the purest act of love that you can imagine.

The love of your life will arrive in nine months

Lack of confidence and worry

The first trimester of pregnancy can be quite traumatic for moms. They undergo a mixture of many changes, both hormonal and physical. So  the physical ailments, nausea and fatigue are added to the lack of confidence engendered by the motherhood that awaits you.

You don’t have to worry. The first thing you need to think about is that it is a natural process that your body is prepared for. Maybe this is your first child. So you don’t think you can fulfill that responsibility. You should not, however, be afraid. Know that you are not the first to face this challenge. Many women have gone through it before you and overcame it without problems. Your maternal instinct will guide you.

Also, remember that you are not the only one waiting for the love of your life. There are a lot of people around you who are there for you when you need it. Your friends, your partner and, of course, the future grandparents are also protagonists in this process. They will therefore be happy to help you as much as they can.

A mother’s brain begins to change during pregnancy

Did you know that science has proven that a mother’s brain changes during pregnancy? This is irrefutable proof of the mother-child bond. The only point of these changes is to protect the baby above all else.

As a result of these hormonal changes, the mother will be able to:

  • Feel more empathy  for the child’s feelings in her womb.
  • Perceive threats  more sensitively.
  • Notice any strange symptoms  that may put the baby at risk.

Obviously, there is an explanation for all this. The reason is that the amount of gray matter (which is responsible for processing information) in the brain is reduced. This reduction is due to the fact that the mother’s ability to perform these tasks increases. Thanks to this, you will be able to focus on what matters most to you at that moment. That is, take care of the love of your life.

The love of your life will arrive in nine months

Get ready to raise the love of your life

Motherhood reveals, in many cases, a person’s strengths and weaknesses. To have a strong and unbreakable bond with your little one, it will be essential for you to educate him with a lot of love and affection.

Although this may sound like a very broad concept, it is possible to do it through small actions. For example,  you should always keep in mind that projecting your frustrations, fears, and insecurities is harmful. On the contrary, you should let it be. Instead, give him the tools and courage to pursue his dreams. Sooner or later you will see him try his luck, and your dream will be fulfilled.

Another important aspect: to give him love and affection. Don’t underestimate the value of touch, hugs, hugs, and of course, understanding. Whether he is still a baby, going through childhood, or has already grown up, you should always be by his side.

Children who grow up with the support of their parents are stronger. They are also more emotionally stable. Indeed, the stress caused by the lack of protection destroys the resources of their brain. And it seriously affects their self-esteem and confidence. Please do not inflict this harm on your child.

The love of yours is on the way. He is as eager to see you as you are to see him. Do not try to make everything perfect for his arrival, because it is almost impossible. The love of his parents and the contact with them will be enough to make him a happy child. And it will make you happy too.

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