The Role Of Grandparents – Being Parents

The role of grandparents

The role of grandparents in families and in society has changed dramatically in recent years. Indeed, their intervention, which previously was much more discreet and optional, has now become, in many cases, imposed by necessity.

The role of grandparents

The figure of grandparents is very important in the life of children, as well as in that of the family in general. Indeed, they bring great value, both logistically and emotionally.

The voice of experience

First and foremost, grandparents are a source of knowledge and experience. Thanks to their age and their background, they are able to bring a different and broader perspective. In situations of crisis, anger or confusion, their point of view can help put things into perspective and make better decisions.

Emotional support

For children as well as for grandchildren, grandparents are an important point of support. Especially for young parents who are feeling exhausted or overwhelmed, as the support and guidance from their parents can calm and channel the spirits.

grandparents reading a story to their grandson

In addition, grandparents can help with anything related to caring for the child, teaching parents that they are capable of caring for the new family member on their own.

The role of grandparents in family culture

They are the central nucleus and the point of union of the family. Thanks to them, descendants can learn more about the history of their ancestors. In addition, they help foster a sense of identity and belonging when telling family stories.

On the other hand, their role is essential when it comes to transmitting family values ​​and keeping the family together. Usually, they are the ones who go to great lengths to reunite the family and who benefit the most from their time together. Our grandparents remind us of the importance and the gift of family ties.

Responsibility and empathy

Grandparents generate a natural feeling of sympathy and deference in the little ones. It is common to observe how a child who is in the middle of a whim with his parents calms down when his grandfather or grandmother arrives. Or how a child who does not listen to his parents obeys without complaining when the order comes from his grandparents.

In addition, once they are old enough to understand the age and limitations of their grandparents, children develop a certain empathy towards them, coupled with a natural instinct for protection. They are even able to worry about themselves and adapt their behavior to ensure the well-being of their grandparents.

Learning from grandchildren

However, this relationship is not one-sided; it brings bi-directional benefits. So just as grandparents bring and enrich the lives of their grandchildren, so too do the latter influence the former.

Grandchildren help their grandparents to feel younger and fitter as well as to experience parenthood again from a more loving and carefree perspective. A unique bond of trust and complicity is then woven from which both grandparents and grandchildren derive benefits.

In addition, the youngest can bring their grandparents closer to debates, new technologies and advances in the modern world. They are in the best position to help them integrate and move forward within society without being left behind.

The role of grandparents in education

As we have already mentioned earlier in this article, before, the intervention of the grandparents in the daily life of the grandchildren was rarer, and above all, optional. Today, many families have no choice but to turn to grandparents to support them, whether financially or logistically.

grandparents running on the beach with their grandchildren

This is due to the current configuration of society and the family, where grandparents find themselves in a sort of in-between: they have to take care of their grandchildren, but without influencing their education.

It is common for grandparents to tend to “bring up badly” their grandchildren, and for parents to feel their authority called into question by certain actions of grandparents.

Obviously, as a parent, it is normal that you want to take responsibility for your child’s education. However, you should not forget that grandparents carry out, out of love, a task that is not theirs and which sometimes goes beyond their physical and emotional capacities.

Therefore, it is a question of delineating what is really important in the education of your child. Otherwise, trust your parents’ advice and thank them for their support. If you can act together and become allies, everyone can benefit from it.

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